I plopped back down, an exasperated look on my face. "Now what?"

My mother stepped infront of me. "You still have some explaining to do!"

I slunk in my seat when Kurenai tapped my mother's shoulder and beckoning her to the kitchen. I could hear Kurenai whispering about the Chunin Exams to my mother. After some time, dramatic gasps, exclamations, and tones of worry, my Sensei and mother walked back. My mother came up to and suffocating me with a hug, a hug that showed off her worry, yet pride. "OH AKISHA! YOU'VE CHANGED SO MUCH! TO THINK YOU STOOD UP FOR YOUR FRIENDS AND ACTUALLY DEFEATED YOUR OWN OPPONENT!" I flailed my arms around, cutting my mother off. "GAH! MOM!! PLEASE!! PAIN!! STOP!!"

She immediately stopped hugging me, letting me fall to the floor. "Right, right, sorry sweetie!" She said with a closed eye smile. I sweat dropped, my mouth dropped open a bit, always amazed at the reactions of this woman. What in the hell did Kurenai even say? "Anyways, we have more important matters to discuss." Kurenai said, sitting down on the couch. I sat back on my spot as well. Kurenai faced me as my mother left the room to go do what ever it is she does, she probably figured it was a matter best left between Kurenai and myself. Although, I could have sworn I saw her standing closer to the open doorway from the kitchen. "Since you defeated your opponent, you now have a spot in the final round of the Chunin Exams which will be in a month from now. You'll be facing a boy from the mist. He was on the same team as the girl you fought."

The palm of my hand smacked my face. Great, he'll be pissed off at me for poisoning his teammate. Exactly what I needed. "But that's not the worst part.. See, his opponent for the preliminaries was his other teammate... And well.. he fought against his own teammate quite merciless.. Poor kid didn't have a chance against him."

So he won't be pissed off at me for poisoning his teammate because he's insane. Perfect. 

" of advice. Work on making your wind chakra stronger and Taijutsu better." I looked up to ask for more information when it appeared that Kurenai vanished after those words. I sighed and heaved myself of the couch. I walked to my door and shouted to my mother, "I'LL BE BACK LATER!!" Quickly, I slammed the door behind me and walked away hastily before she could stop me. Nothing could go wrong with those actions, nothing at all.


I yawned looking up at my destination: Konoha's Hospital. Nervous features began to make their way onto my face. Kurenai would have informed me if anything really bad happened to Hinata, or perhaps Kiba's condition worsened somehow? Maybe he's not okay, maybe Hinata's not going to be alright. What about Shikamaru and Choji? Who'd those two have to fight? I kept my mind focused on the person I was most worried about. That's who I need to see at the moment.

Walking into the hospital, I made my way up to the front desk. "Um.. Excuse me, I'm here to see Hyuga Hinata.." You could hear the anxious feelings in the tone of my voice. The lady nodded, almost condescendingly and got out some paper work, also in a way of sass. She flipped through it, reading fast before shaking her head at me. "I'm sorry, she's in a critical condition. No visitors aloud... Like I said before." Spite to her last mumble of words, but ignored it, chewing on my lip in worry. "How bad is she?" The lady sighed, seemingly annoyed. "Sorry kid, but all you need to know is 'No Visitors'. Okay?" She smiled sweetly at the end of her sentence making me twitch on the inside.

Waving her words off, following the idea in my mind I continued, "Yeah sure, old lady."  At my obnoxious words her eyes bulged out. "AH!? O-O-OLD? I'm only twenty-nine dammit!! What's with you brats calling me old!?" I sucked in air through my teeth. "Oooh... Yikes... Maybe you should try concealing those wrinkles, then?" I smiled at her while she gasped horrified and ran away, no doubt to a bathroom to see her face. Snickering at how well my plan went, I checked around me, seeing no one, I slipped over the counter and grabbed Hinata's papers. I glanced over them quickly, grinning when I found what I was looking for. Room 102.

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