Chapter 1

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                                                                                         𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦

     "What time is it?...shit" I thought to myself as I got up from bed, I look to the side of me and see the picture of  Sarah. I sigh and wonder, if only I could see you again. Sarah and I were very close throughout our childhood, even though she was my cousin, she was more like a sister to me. For years now I've been trying to figure out who her murderer was, his name is The Blue Blood Killer. Now it's all come down to nothing, I shake off the feeling and think "I should get to my computer and get the night started" 

I walk out of my room and remember to close all the windows and lock them, there's some people trying to kidnap me.... it fucking creeps me out. All I can do is to make sure all the closets are closed and my windows are locked! When I'm locking up the last window next to my computer, I open my blinds ever so slightly and look outside. "Tonight sure is beautiful" I wrap my hair in a low ponytail and I hop onto my computer. "Oh yeah, I need to read those emails and check out those B.O.L.O's" I start to look closer at the picture of the murderer "So these are the guys trying to kidnap me... fucking weirdos" I knew that they weren't going to stop me and I wo

I look through more of the files and continue to find more evidence of these possible criminals, it's been a few minutes now and I decide to check my cameras. While I'm looking the "no internet" thing pops up "Ugh, Dammit! Internet went out again, I need to go reset the router in the backroom closet"  I say to myself. I walk over to the backroom and wait for the internet to come back on. I start thinking again "Why are those men trying to kidnap me, maybe they have something to do with Sarah!" I see the internet comes back up and I check on every window once more. I speed walk back to my seat "I'm getting kind of hungry" I hear my stomach growl and I get a craving for (F/S) (favorite snack) hmm sounds about right. I walk over to my kitchen and grab it, then I hear something. Almost sounding like a footstep "oh shit, these fuckers better not be here" I set aside my snack and run through my hallway checking each room. The lights were off in my room.... what the hell. I turn them back on and see the window had been unlocked. "Fuck" I quickly lock it back and run to my computers to check the camera, I look through and- HOLY CRAP! Who the hell was that!? A man just popped up on one of my cameras. "Holy moly, he looks awfully like.... it must be him!" I get up again and look out the window. Where did he go? I shrug it off and continue to work. a few minutes later and I'm on my second to last report, I hear a sound once more. I look behind me.... and nothing was there "I swear if that man is hiding somewhere I'm gonna-" I see all my lights turn off and I slightly jump, I run to main power room and switch all the lights back on, but then I hear footsteps! "What the fuck!" I think to myself. My heart starts beating fast as I slowly walk out of the room. I don't see anyone at the end of the hall, so I go and check the rooms as fast as I can! I walk out of room and..... oh my god... who the FUCK is that??? I see a man in a white doctors looking coat at the end of the hallway peek his head out and disappear... "Dear god help me now" I walk as slow as I can... and when I'm near the end I hope he's not- "peek-a-boo!" he grabs me by the neck and whispers "I can't wait to taste you" HES ABOUT TO STICK ME WITH THAT-

I instantly wake up from that dream.... "what? That wasn't real!?" Was that the man? and why does he look so much cuter than the picture- I mentally slap myself and told myself to stop thinking that way. I swear that was so.. real. My heart skips a beat as I think of the man once more. "Stop it (Y/N) this guys a fucking murderer, coming to KIDNAP YOU" okay I'm right, I really need to be more safe. But something about him... my oh my.

(A/N) hey guys this is my first x reader story! I hope it's alright enough lol. Much like most of you, I've also fallen for the famous Tanner character and I just decided, why not make an x reader since there isn't very many yet! Please no hate and if there typos I'm sorry lmao. Suggest what I should do next in the comments and enjoy! Much love ♡♡♡

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