Chapter Four

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Calliope already dreaded telling her aunt how and why she got detention. Even worse, she was going be late for dinner. For Peggy that was worse than any crime because she was a pastry chef in the next central city, about an hour from the school. She had long, hard hours; sometimes she wouldn't even be able to come home, having to prepare the dough and ingredients for the next day, not to mention closing up the shop.

The repair soon to come for the roof forced Peggy to work through nights at times to earn the extra money it would take. So, when she did make it home in time, it was important for her to spend it together. All Cal could hope for was that she wouldn't come home early today. Something she had never imagined wishing something like that on Peggy.

Biology being the last period of her day, Mrs. Foster pointed for her to stand at her desk after the bell had rung and the students had eagerly cleared out, some sending nervous looks in Mrs. Foster's direction, but most not even sparing a glance.

"Mr. Reeds," Mrs. Foster commanded, grabbing the boy's elbow, as he tried to sneak out of the room. "You got yourself in this mess. Do not try to sneak your way out."

He gave a quick scoff, earning a warning eyebrow raise from Mrs. Foster - she seemed to do that a lot.

She dragged him to her desk and commanded him to stand on the opposite side of the desk. She took a seat on top of one of the students' desks.

For a few seconds, all she did was eye them, making Cal shuffle, uncomfortable under her gaze.

The boy just stood there holding her eye contact challengingly.

Mrs. Foster sighed, her voice laced with disappointment. "You know, this being your first day in this school and all, Mr. Reeds, I really expected better from you."

The boy rolled his eyes.

"I don't know what they teach you at home, but definitely not to be so disrespectful, William."

"It's just Will," The boy, Will, said. His voice hinting at a low growl.

Mrs. Foster chose to ignore that.

"And you Calliope, sorry Cal." Lynn avoided her gaze, looking down still. "I expected more from you too. I've heard such good things from your previous teachers. Such a shame we had a bad start." She sighed to prove her point.

"You know I don't wanna leave our first time meeting like this. I really don't, so I'm going to cut you a deal." She pushed. "You stay longer after school for a week, instead of a month. But because you two seem to like each other so much," another scoff from Will, making Mrs. Foster's voice go cold again. "You will do the Year 'Round Project together. You won't get to pick your partners."

Calliope was about to open her mouth to say something but she was cut off.

"What!" Will yelled outraged. "You can't do that! I don't even know this girl. It was her choice to talk back, not mine," He snarled.

"Excuse me?" Cal talked before she could even process what was happening. "First of all my name is Calliope." For the first time she lifted her gaze off of the floor and turned to Will.

"Second of all-" without meaning to, her eyes met his. They were glittering dangerously, even with his emotionless stare, as if he was a predator provoking its prey. They still attracted her though, like a magic fishing line, reeling her in.

"I don't think I... I don't.. I," she swallowed hard against the knot forming in her throat, as if somebody was cutting off her air.

When did the room get so hot all of a sudden?

"I didn't want- to... I... you..." He challengingly raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth raising into a light, mischievous smirk.

Sweat trickled down her back. He had her under his control with that look.

"That's what I thought." He said, his voice cocky, smirk vanishing as he turned to Mrs. Foster.

Cal gasped quietly for air, opening her mouth to dent him, but another golden side eye from him made her shut her mouth immediately.

"I don't want to work with her." He said blankly to Mrs. Foster.

Mrs. Forster, who seemed confused, shook her head. "You should have thought of that before you insulted me like that. This is not up for negotiation anymore. I've decided. You come here to this room, everyday for two hours for a whole week instead of a month, and in return you two work together for the YRP. Then we are even."

"You said this was a deal. A deal can't just be your way!"

"Well I've decided different Reeds," Mrs. Foster was audibly done with Will, " your actions have consequences. Apparently you haven't realized that yet. You are both seventeen. Juniors. You should know by now that you follow the teachers rules. My rules." She punctuated that sentence with a finger shake. She stood up from the student desk and walked over to a cabinet.

Rummaging through a drawer she pulled out two journals, looking more like the books in Cal's room than something that belonged in a school.

"Over the next two hours I suggest you get real close," she dropped the books on her desk with a long bang. "Because you will be meeting every week, Friday's after school to be exact, until the end of the year for the project. Record your research in the journals." Mrs. Foster gave each of the books a slap to the covers before closing the drawer and gathering her things.

Cal had no idea how she had had the impression that this lady was a nice person. She seemed more like a demon. Rose had told her that this would fade away, Calliope couldn't imagine something like that.

Without another question Cal stuffed the journal into her backpack.

Will didn't move an inch.

Mrs. Reeds stepped right in front of him. "Either you pick that package up right now, or I will personally make sure you will have detention for the rest of the year, and make the rest of this school year your living hell."

Cal gasped, looking back towards Mrs. Foster. What kind of teacher was she? Who in their right minds would threaten one of their students?

Looking between the two, Cal thought that Will and Mrs. Foster were seconds away from tearing at each other's throats, Wills eyes gleaming an unnatural gold. As if a fire blazed behind them.

"Fine," he eventually huffed, the glint in his eyes not leaving.

Foster nodded approvingly. "Now, I will let you out of this room in two hours. If I come in here during that time and don't see you two talking and getting to know each other, I will not hesitate to make that week a month again," she hissed coldly.

Will moved to a spot in the back, next to a wall. Again an ostensible growl barely audible. But who growls?

Cal moved to the spot next to him. Dropping her stuff on the floor.

"Go. Get to know each other," Foster said, as she strutted out of the room.

Snake, was all Calliope could think of as she watched the back of her head slip out of her field of view.

* * *

Hello! Thank you to all who have read so far! Sorry this is a bit late, but thank you to all who have commented, voted, and read this story! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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