Human (Krel Tarron x Reader)

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(Krel's View)

The disguised King-in-Waiting sighed as his books scattered across the concrete again when he opened his locker. He bent down to pick them up, reaching over to grab a few scattered papers. 

"Struggling a little there, little brother?" Aja teased softly, bending down to help him gather up his items. 

"Shut up," he grumbled. He turned his head to the left slightly as something slammed against the lockers. 

"Watch where you're going, runt," a boy hissed. Krel looked over, spotting the boy holding a girl to the lockers. Her eyes were wide, but she didn't seem intimidated, just surprised. "What are you staring at me for? Shouldn't you be saying sorry?" 

"Shouldn't you?" she replied. "I'm not even the one who ran into you and you place the blame on me. Do you know how rude that is? Gees. The human population has disappointed me the last decade." The boy looked at her, confused, before she simply pushed his arm away from her and gathered up her own fallen belongings. Krel stared at her. Was she an alien? Something about the way she'd spoken made him think so. He glanced at Aja. She seemed to have the same idea.

The King-in-Waiting slammed his locker shut and hurried over to the girl, the boy seething behind her. She looked up as Krel and Aja approached her. "Hi," Aja said. "We're new here. From Cantaloupia!" 

"You must be Aja and Krel Tarron," the girl said, extending her hand towards the Queen-in-Waiting. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." 

"Nice to meet you," Aja said, ignoring (Y/n)'s hand, which she eventually put down. "So, um, are you from around here?" 

"Yeah. I grew up in Arcadia. You would have thought Steve would be the one pushing people around, but it seems ever since he teamed up with Pepperjack that he's mellowed out a little bit. That dude over there - I don't even bother learning his name - seems to have picked up where Palchuck left off." 

"You grew up here?" Aja said, glancing at Krel. 

"Yeah. What? You think because I'm disappointed in the 'human population' I'm an alien? No, no. It's just that the decency of humans is rather disappointing. Only a few of us homo sapiens can pull ourselves together. Have you seen the amount of casinos around Vegas? Or is this your first trip to the U.S?" 

"Yeah, it's our first," Aja said. "What's a casino?" 

"Lucky! Gambling's overrated anyway. What class do you guys have first?" 

They walked into school, all three of them having algebra together. (Y/n) sat at the front, while the Tarrons were in the middle. Miss Janeth passed out worksheets, promptly leaving the classroom like a normal Arcadia Oaks teacher. Everyone turned to each other to share answers. 

Krel watched (Y/n) carefully, but all she did was tap the pencil against her chin then start writing stuff down, not talking to anyone else. She erased her work several times, her face lighting up finally when she wrote her final answer down. 

"Do you really think she's an alien, like us?" Aja whispered. Krel didn't respond, furrowing his brow. (Y/n) glanced back, noticing him watching her. 

"Eyes attract, my dude," she said. "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Why do you like staring at the back of my head, anyway?" Krel's eyes widened and he looked down, his face heating up. He pressed a hand to his cheek. 

"What is going on?" he asked, looking up at her. 

"You're blushing. That's 'cause you're embarrassed. Have you never been embarrassed before?" 

"Not really. I'm usually precise in my actions." She laughed and he tilted his head, confused. "Why are you laughing?" 

"Because we all get embarrassed! No one's perfect, Tarron, not even you." He narrowed his eyes. 

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