Ripped at the Seams (2)

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When you got home you worked on your jacket, placing the patches where Marko suggested you put them he had been on you mind the whole night, it was safe to say you developed a small crush on the boy considering you only met him once who's to say you might ever see him again? You started working on making a new patch for Marko, you weren't really sure what to make this one into maybe it would have been smart to have asked him. You mentally cursed yourself and threw yourself back into your bed until a knock came at your door.

"Do you wanna go back to the Boardwalk again tomorrow night?" Michael asked poking his head around the door, you thought for a second then agreed maybe you'll find Marko again and your brother is probably thinking the same but for the girl. Michael left you alone for the night kinda thankful that you agreed since both the people you were interested in were with each other which made it easier for the both of you.

You felt kinda giddy as well as nervous about going to the boardwalk again if you do see Marko you'll be happy but if you don't will you feel a little disappointed? That you weren't sure about.

You followed your brothers around the boardwalk both of you losing a little bit of hope after not being able to find they people you were looking for while having to listen to your younger brother talk your ears off about being whipped etc. Micheal has walked off to buy himself a leather jacket and you laughed at this it was funny seeing how your brother  was trying to change how he dressed to impress a girl. You wandered off too, giving up on looking for Marko you decided maybe to look around for a little while, see all the things you had missed. You had noticed that Micheal had already found the girl he was looking for and was leading her to the bike and before you could think anything else more motorbikes crowded around Michaels.

You walked slowly behind them, you recognised one of the boys being Marko and you felt happy to see him but you were more worried about Micheal at the moment.

"You know where Hudson's Bluff is over looking the point?" The boy in front of you spoke and your brother looked at you then back at him.

"I can't beat your bike." He answered.

"You don't have to beat me Michael. You just have to keep up." He was gonna go off with them? Leave you and Sam here? "And you." All the boys looked at you and you froze. "You can ride with Marko." Your face turned a shade of red and you looked at your brother who nodded his head over towards Marko allowing you to go.

'How did they know I was behind them? I was quiet right?' You thought to yourself.

"Long time no see. Don't worry I'll be careful." He helped you on the bike, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him and then you zoomed off. You would occasionally look back at Micheal, he seemed to be somewhat enjoying himself right? You've ridden with Micheal before but Marko was driving pretty fast more than what you were ever use to, he was wild and if this was him being careful then what exactly is him being normal? You had to hide your face to avoid the sand getting in your eyes, how did they all do this with out that happening? You looked at the others all laughing and Marko screaming at the top of his lungs, they were having a good time and all we were doing was driving but their energy was contagious at some points you found yourself laugh too.

It was starting to get foggy, if you couldn't see I front of you or even around you how could Marko? And he was the driver. Your grip on him tightened and he noticed this, he looked back at you briefly.

"It's fine Y/n, nothing to worry about." Was all he said but that didn't ease you at all, you started looking in front for Micheal and could barely make out his red bike until you heard his bike skid on the ground below and everyone else stopped too. You could just make out your brother running up to David which caused everyone else to get off their bikes and try stop Michael.

"What the hell are you doing huh!?" You heard your brother shout.

"Michael!" You yelled back, when you saw him land a punch at David, you cringed are the sound. You never liked violence you hated it in fact

"Just you come on. Come on just you." You were behind Paul and Marko, switching looks at your brother and at David who was smirking.

"How far you willing to go Michael." Was all david said, you were now worried for your brother and you were kinda wanting to go back now. Marko walked you back to his bike, his hand just barley touching your back you would look back at your brother then at Marko.

"Where are we going?" You asked and Marko flashed you a cheeky grin.

"You'll see." You were starting to feel uneasy, it wasn't anything to do with Marko well kinda you liked him yes but something was just off about them all. The ride was painfully quiet, David was in the front we were beside paul and Dwayne while Micheal trailed behind. You wanted back home you really did and you wanted to ask Marko if he would kindly take you but you couldn't leave Micheal for some reason you felt responsible for him at the moment since you're the only one thinking level headedly well somewhat level headedly.

You had arrived at a cave that was pretty far from the boardwalk it smelt of salt water more than it does there but it didn't really bother you, you kinda liked it actually. The boys and your brother hid their bikes while you followed Star into the cave, you didn't fully enter cause the entrance was a slope and 9 chances out of 10 you will go down like a sack of potatoes and you didn't really feel like being laughed at.

"C'mon I'll help you down." Marko got in front of you and took your hand in his as he led you down gently. He got to the bottom of the slope and that's when your feet decided it was time to slip and you fell right into his chest.

'Typical' you thought, you're face turned the brightest shade of red you didn't want Marko to look at you, you just wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole.

"Marko food." David's voice echoed in the cave, giving you the shivers it only added to your uneasy feeling.

"I'll be right back." Marko cheekily smiled at you and booped your nose and off he went. You looked around the cave in awe as you made your way to sit  beside your brother and David went on about what happened to the hotel etc. You felt awkward now and you tried to get your brothers attention by whispering that you wanted to go home he he shushed you every time you mentioned it, you sometimes caught Star's eyes she matched your uneasy expression and you figured that she knew something you didn't which didn't help at all.

"Feeding time, come and get it boys." Marko had came back, that was pretty quick for a drive to get food and back. David offered you and Michael a box of rice but the two of you declined.

"You don't like rice? Tell me you two how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?" David held the box out for Michael and he took it. "How are those maggots?" You looked between Michael and David.


"Maggots Michael, you're eating maggots how do they taste?" You both looked at the box and the threw it away and spat up the fork full. You covered your mouth that's disgusting. The cave filled with laughter from the boys.

"Leave him alone." Star spoke up, you looked at the box of maggots and now it was rice? You really wished you stayed home, you hugged your jacket closer for something to hold onto.

"No hard feelings." You spaced out for most of the conversation afterwards, how did the rice turn into maggots then back to rice? None of this made sense you zoned back in watching David whisper something into Marko's ear, he left and came back with a jewelled bottle full of what you think was wine. David took a swig and looked and the two of you. "Drink this. Be one of us."

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