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Uhm.... important announcement at the end of the chapter!!


"Listen (Y/n), I don't know what is up with you today, but if you don't get your shit together, I'm sending you back to the 2nd Floor with a kick."

You shivered at Khun's words, your whole complexion getting paler as you nodded absentmindedly; how were you supposed to tell him you couldn't get Rak to respect the deal? He was going to chew you off, you were sure enough of that.

"I'm sorry A.A.- but after having to chase around that idiot for the whole evening I'm quite tired.."

He sighed, passing you a cup of coffee as he started explaining the rules of the Growth Tournament- apparently, the judges had decided to give you all another chance, because of the whole fiasco with the Ran vs Anaak fight; from what your lightbearer had told you, you would have to compete against the seven other teams that had failed, so that you could advance to the finals and face either team FUG or team Mad Dog (of course, all of you hoped it to be FUG, seeing as it would become extremely easier to retrieve your friend once and all).

...Friend huh? I can't deny it though, that hug really had a huge effect on me...

You shook your head, clearing your throat before you spoke out as well, a teasing smile appearing as you did.

"So, you chose Wangnan as the spearhead instead of me huh? I see how it is here!"

You avoided whatever object he had thrown at you, snickering a little as you motioned him to keep talking; as much as you liked joking around, your desire to win the battle definitely outshined that.

"As I was saying, I chose Wangnan as our spearhead because he is the cheapest- we only have a total amount of points after all. That still doesn't mean you won't participate, so try to stay focused, okay? We need to win this."


You looked around, taking note of your surroundings as you tuned out your friends' voices for moment- so this is how the Call Center looked like? Even from the waiting room (where that stupid brown haired princess had made it her job to pester you), the island seemed to be more on the wild side, so you had expected this place to be different; then again, this was a Workshop facility, so you weren't all that surprised.

"(Y/n), here you are! You sure took your sweet time to arrive!" You smiled at Wangnan, lightly punching him on the shoulder as you giggled quietly.

"Not my fault I'm stronger than you all..." you briefly stopped as he complained, before adding, "Good job on your win though!" 

"Well," you all turned quiet, so that you could listen to Khun, "now that everyone is here, it's time to head out."

You nodded, your expression turning into one of determination and seriousness- it was finally time to go meet your opponents.

"How about the black turtle?"

You perked at Rak's question, your mind wandering once again; was Bam okay? Alas, as you heard your blue haired friend's explanation, you realized you could only hope for the best and wait for results, while trying not to let it get to you.

Get it together you idiot! If this was really what it took to beat you, your father wouldn't have sent you here! You're a superior being, so start behaving like one!

"Well, let's get ready then! Why don't we see who's the better spear bearer here, what do you think 'gator?"

"HA! As if you could ever beat me, water turtle!"


Bam couldn't help but frown as he recalled Reflejo's words in his mind; everything had been set up by FUG, from (Y/n) joining his team, to meeting Khun and Rak, and bribing them into partecipating at the Workshop Battle.
It was unfair, especially for his friends, so in order to save them, he would have to escape, as soon as possible.

He wasn't going to let anyone hurt his beloved companions anymore.

"There's no need to be so glum, Mr. Jue Viole Grace, because your dear friend will join you soon enough- was it (Y/n) her name?"

His eyes widened, his hands grippining on the trap surronding him, in a vain attempt to free himself. He couldn't let them get their hands on her! Not ever!

"Luckily, she seems to have taken a liking to you, so it won't be too difficutl to attract her here- we'll just need to use you as bait. Oh, I just can't wait! That girl is too powerful for her own good."

He wanted to scream, to should at the man in front of him the most spiteful words, but all he could do was sit there, worry written all over his face- not only his friends were in danger, now FUG had set their eyes on the dearest one of all of his companions.
And unfortunately, he was sure she would comply to their orders, especially since his life was on the line- she coul be extremely caring (and reckless, he mused) when it came to her friends.

"I'll find you again, even if it takes seven or more years!"

He could still remember the way her eyes shone with determination, like a pair of gems glowing in the dark- alongside what she had proclaimed, they had been a source of hope and reassurance, a memory that kept resurfacing every time he thought of her.
He didn't know exactly why the struck to him like that, but their impact had been so strong that he had craved to see them one more time.

And yet, at the same time, he had been so worried for her, hoping for even the smallest signal, something that could tell him she was indeed okay; his chest ached every time he replayed that scene in his head, the bomb hitting his dear friend as he did nothing but stare.

Luckily, his prayers had worked, because not even the night prior, he had gotten the occasion to see her again, her usually cheerful-self standing before him, looking at him as if he was the last person she had expected to see.

"Don't do anything so stupid ever again!"

He had hugged her out of relief, the realization that she was alive and well settling in; and now, she was probably risking her life once again.

Wait for me, I'll definitely find a way out!


uhhh...... I hate myself for saying this, but I'll be putting this book on hiatus,,,

I really want to continue it one day, but as things are right now, it's become kind of overwhelming and more of a chore, instead of something I truly enjoy doing (I still do love writing tho, don't get it wrong!)
+recently I've been more into other manga and anime, so I feel like if I were to keep writing this fanfic it would just turn out half-assed, which us something I don't want OQBSO

thank you all for the support, I hope you liked this work up until now and ig I'll see you on my future works/when I come back for this

love you all<3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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