
457 31 13

Was it really that difficult to have a normal reunion, once in a while? 

You sighed mentally as you watched your two friends go at each other, completely ignoring you as they screamed at eachother (you were hoping your father wasn't watching, or you'd have some explanations to do...).

To be fair, you had been just as surprised as Khun, to see Rak sitting there, in front of you as he jugded the two of you silently; how did he find you anyway?
You and your blue best friend had been declared dead as soon as the reporters had arrived at the Hand of Arlene- maybe he had seen you two at the One Shot-One Opportunity game, but then again, you could never know with him.

"Hey (Y/n), is he really a friend of yours?" You nodded, not even turning to look at Ehwa as you fixed your gaze on your companions- knowing Rak, he would probably say something too blunt at some point, resulting in the two of them crossing the line in some way or another; and of course, you would have to be the one talking them into making up (like always).

"You always overthink things and end up losing everything. You haven't changed one bit since you left!!" 

And here I come...

You helped Dan restraining the small crocodile as you watched Khun leave, his expression darkened as he ignored everyone else- would it be okay to let him go like that?
Then again, it was probably best for you to stay here with Rak, just in case he would try to pull something like that again.

"Damn that blue turtle bastard! He's worse than a terrapin!"

You sweat dropped alongside Dan and Ehwa, watching the crocodile trash around the room; was he a five year old?
At this point, you wished you had just followed Bam, even if it meant having to deal with FUG.

Right, Bam.

You needed to win this thing as soon as possible, so that you could finally reunite with him once and for all.
He was probably hanging onto that little hope your promise gave him, and you weren't about to let him down.

Wait, what?

"Hey miss (Y/n), is everything okay? You look a little red..."

You nervously laughed, reassuring Ehwa that yes, everything was indeed alright- it was embarrassing to even admit how much you had started to care for the Irregular boy, even if it was only a platonic love (because that's exactly what it was!).

As you realized that both Rak and Dan were gone, you heard your companion talk once again.

"You know, I've always wanted to ask you about your relationship with Viole. Is he like your boyfriend of something? Oh! Or maybe Khun is the one? You seem so close with the both of them..."


You tried to calm yourself down, composing yourself before answering with a question of your own

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, you came all the way to our apartment just to see Viole, after a long time I presume? Also, you tease Khun a lot, so I just assumed you were dating one of them... I don't meant to pry though!"

You smiled faintly as you watched her panic, before turning to gaze at the sight in front of you; from the window of your room, you could see the ocean, almost calling for you as you recalled the old days, when you still lived outside the Tower.
You might not had a real family or friends there, but knowing that what you saw every day was indeed the real sea always brought you at peace.

"Don't worry Ehwa, there is nothing to pry, they both are just friends- I have a goal I want to reach, so I can't afford o court anyone right now."

Friends huh...


You looked around you, your newly blue hair swaying behind you as you tried to recognize any of your enemies; not that it really mattered, you were ready to win the very second the fight would start.

After all, you were going to compete around water.

"Hey idiot, try not to make it obvious that you're (Y/n)."

You flinched as you heard Khun talk through your pocket, his words blunt, as if he already knew you were going to be all over the place (like always...).

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry..."

You ended the call as you heard the announcement, declaring the start of your battle- you decided to ignore it for the most part though, your mind focused on manipulating enough water for your attacks; you were more than eager to win after all, as fast as you possibly could.

"What do we have here?! It seems that the Regular (Fake Name) just created a path made of water only for her to walk on! Will the others be able to overcome that?"

You smirked, looking at all the other competitors as you walked towards the end goal; the water fizzled around you, its pungent smell, which you had become more than accustomed to, all over the place as the element pleaded to be freed from the walls you had created with it.

Mad Dog? The strongest E-rank Regular? Don't make me laugh everyone.

"And the winner is (Fake Name)! What a magnificent display of powers she showed us today!"

Let's see if FUG can do better.


Bam watched her silently, a pained expression on his face.
He couldn't help it, not when the girl in front of him resembled his dear friend so much- did she really have to bend water just like (Y/n) did?
That just made it all the more difficult for him to take his mind of his worries.

Were his two friends okay?

He had no doubts Khun would be, but the more he thought about (Y/n)'s injuries, the more he felt sick in the stomach; why is it that his friends always got caught up in his problems?

Why did she have to be so stubborn?

If only she hadn't searched for him, she would be climbing the Tower with their friends, and without a single care in the world- but now he had made her even more worried, and had selfishly gotten her involved in something so dangerous.

Why is it that his heart ached even more at the thought of her being hurt, compared to his other friends?
Why is it that he couldn't get her out of his mind?


so uhm... I'm back!!!
for those of you who don't know (which I supposed is quite a long) I went on a little hiatus cause for a couple of days I wasn't exactly at my best,,, it's all good now tho so yeah!!

on a brighter note!! ik it might seem that I'm rushing a little with bam and y/n, having them being dense already,, BUT!! I'll need that in a couple of chapters (like idk, I think 7???) and I didn't want it to seem sudden for them to have some kind of feeling that isn't platonic!!

what I'd like to hear tho, is if the story is going a little too fast... I have written chapter 6 and 7 already so I won't be able to do something for that, but if it's too fast please do tell me so I'll slow things down a bit!! (also please keep in mind that I'll be skipping some if the chapters, since they're not important to the story- for example, the fight between khun ran and anaak at the workshop battle)

I think that's enough of me for today, so see ya next update!!

tsunami || the 25th bam x reader (HIATUS!)Where stories live. Discover now