Gaining Everything

543 14 17

Charley's pov

I stood up, drying my eyes with the back of my arm. I silently packed everything away that I had used, looking up at the clock just above the main stage. was time for me to go I guess.

I slid off of the stage, picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, I slowly went to pack away my bloody fur suit. Chica had brought out my head earlier while I was fixing a failed attempt at the fox.

After I packed everything I away dropping my things to the floor and walked over to my sister. Unsure of what to do.

"Threat not. There's a field outside the back, it's dark so we won't be seen. We can take her off your hands if it's what you want. My condolences..." Freddy spoke up, stepping forward and rubbing his dented head.

"Yes...she'd want that... I'll tell everyone she's staying at her friend's house...until I can break it to everyone in a lie." I said, resting my hand on my sibling's stone cold face.

"We have no words to thank you for what your doing for us..."

"I can't say anything, you guys are like family to me, if I tell a soul about what really happened then they'd destroy you all...that's not right."

I leaned in and hugged the bear tightly. Moving on to Chica then Bonnie.

"I'll come back later and fix the rest of you. Please be careful...with her." I gestured to Kai as I picked up my bag and box with my suit in.

I silently walked through the front door, the cold air biting my nose as I began my painful walk home.

Alone with my thoughts.

Time lapse

I trudged into Fazbear's, bag over my shoulder and coat huddled around me. I was greeted with hugs from each of them.

Yes, as promised I fixed them all up good as new.

I replaced wires and changed Freddy's suit head completely due to the huge dent in the side of his head, luckily the damage didn't go over to the endoskeleton. Chica didn't really need repairing all that much, I just fixed her up a little. Bonnie was a whole different story, I had to replace his head, do some major wire fixing, his endoskeleton was damaged a little around the head and arm mainly. I managed to fix him up best I could, only thing I couldn't quite do was give him full mobility in his torn off arm, there was a spare arm backstage which I fixed into place, his arm sort of stays still at his side unless placed into a position manually.

Kai was gone...

Freddy had told me that he got help burying her. I didn't ask anything more about my little sis.

I sat in silence on the side of the small stage, the fox behind me and in the same position where I had left him. The yellow chicken came and sat beside me, putting her wing around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"I think I know why he liked you so much..." She began.

I lifted my head slightly, she continued.

"In 1987, the one he accidentally bit, looked very similar to you actually, all aside from your age and hair."

"really...?" I quietly asked.

"Yes. Though I think he regretted it so much, he kept looking back, when you first came in I think he saw you as some kind of hope. He wanted redemption and I think he redeemed himself, though he didn't realize it until he shut down." She faintly smiled through her sad expression.

I nodded slowly and lightly as I turned my sight to the two at the stage, both sitting side by side, Freddy helping Bonnie tie his bow tie.

"What's...going to happen after this...?" I asked sadly.

"I'm not sure, what do you want to happen?" She replied after a moment or two.

"Nothing that's like this..." I shook my head.

We were silent for several long moments, I swung my legs ever so slightly over the edge of the stage. I looked around the restaurant. Tomorrow, no one other than us will know what happened. It's sad they won't know, but if they did then what's not to say that they get this place closed down for good?

"I guess when that black puppet thing was here, it...took control over him or something...forcing him to be like a puppet to do things he didn't want to do. Like the puppet was the puppeteer." I said, sighing.


" you think that the puppet was around in 1987?" I questioned, frowning ever so slightly at nothing in particular.


"That would explain some things I guess... If it was around here at that time then Foxy is completely innocent... When he wasn't himself earlier, he was about to kill me...but he didn't, he snapped out of it." I stretched my arms out in front of me, yawning from sleep I haven't had recently.


"When did you last sleep? You look awful." Chica asked, ruffling my hair with her wing gently.

"I don't know...what time is it?" I ask lazily and rubbed my face tiredly with my hands.

"Me unsur', canno' tell time."

I looked up at Chica, her face lifted with a sweet smile, being she wasn't the one who had spoken.

I slowly glanced behind me though no smile came to my face nor any emotion as a matter of fact for a long moment.
After the long moment was up.
I smiled.

" 'Ere me thought I was Losin' Everythin'..."

He pulled me back, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug as I lent my head back in the red fur of his chest, closing my eyes.

" ain't Losin' ye'..."


And here is where it finishes... I cannot thank you enough that you read up until this point! I really enjoyed writing it and threat not! For I am currently working on a sequel to this book! It's called Gaining Everything and will be on my creations, if you enjoyed this one then there will be more everyday (don't hold this against me if I can't publish everyday) along with more to the story! Again thank you for reading, it's meant a lot to me! Hope to see you soon in the next book! Seeya!

Note: Hey! Feel free to message me if you want a chat or something! I'm usually free and will chat about stuff ^,^ if I don't reply straight away then I'm most likely busy with something like new chapters or somethin' :3 I will get back to you as soon as possible! Xxxxx

Edit: holy damn! 5k reads?!?! Thank you so much for reading! It means a lot! :D

Losing everything (Five nights at Freddy's, Foxy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now