The Mind Palace is a Magical Place

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      Sherlock laid there on the couch, hands in a prayer position, ankles crossed, and head propped on the arm rest. His eyes rested, yet his mind did not. He was in his mind palace, thinking of something and not sharing his thoughts, which is unlike him. He's always ready to say as he pleases with no regard, unless he is around me.

     I hear of Sherlock's rudeness and how he is incapable of holding his thoughts to himself. I hear that he does not think of others feelings; unless he speaks to me. Sherlock and I have been together for a year, and it has been quite the experience. It took some time for him to adjust to someone outwardly loving him, and showing him that they care. At first he didn't know how to show he cared, he would stand close to me when on cases, or he would simply try to show his intelligence, but once I made the first move of holding his hand, he found something he liked.

      Touches of affection. It started slowly, holding hands was a big step for him, Sherlock had not done that before with someone who actually cared for him. After holding hands, it became hugging. He wasn't ready for how much he'd love hugging, the embrace of his lover and her arms wrapped around him, and hugging introduced him to cuddles which is just what he calls "extended hugs", and boy does he love those extended hugs. After cuddles, came his first kisses, small pecks made his knees weak, he didn't know how to react. Sherlock had not truly loved like he does now, and those kisses became fireworks.

     After the small pecks, came real kissing, and making out. The desperate touches, hair being ruffled, and "strange" things happening to our bodies. He truly loved making out and kissing, because he never had true kisses and had the experience as a teen, he was obsessed with it. He loved how desperate he became, and how needy he was and how he couldn't control it. He truly didn't know what was coming for him when he was introduced to sex. Our first time was amazing, a bit awkward, but who's isn't. He didn't know how to control himself, or what to do. He even struggled to kiss during sex, he was so desperate and deprived that when he finally experienced sex it was overwhelming in the best ways.

     The second he saw my naked body he permanently ingrained in his mind. He can't get enough, he doesn't understand how someone could be so beautiful. Which I don't see, of course. And he doesn't understand how I couldn't see it, he expresses his love for me and my body so often that he truly is helping me feel better. He loves ever curve of my body and he is obsessed.

This all brings me to now, his mind wandering, him on the couch and me in his chair watching him. He's beautiful truly, he seems so relaxed, his eyes closed and he lays draped over the couch like a fine piece of art, my mind wandering is suddenly put to an end when I see Sherlock's eyebrows furrow. He looks like he's having a hard time thinking, or undertand it something, so I ask him, "What is challenging you, love?".

He responds, "I'm having a battle in my mind of what I'd like to do"

"What is it?"

"Well, I'm envisioning this beautiful view, and I cannot get it out of my brain, but this other image is piping in and making me confused as to which I'd like to see more"

"Would you care to explain more, you're not giving me enough context", I state confused.

"You on top of me, or below me"

I'm taken aback, I figured he was speaking of something else, such as new furniture set ups at our new apartment, but no he was speaking of me. I'm flattered, impressed, and immediately turned on.

"I guess that's for you to decide, but it's up to you" I say.

He stands from the couch and comes over to me and pulls me up from the chair, he grabs the front of my shirt and kisses me desperately. One hand of mine goes to his hair and the other goes to his shoulder. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes, his eyes say he is needy and horny, and I am guessing mine say the same. He pulls me in for another kiss and we start walking together towards our bedroom, stumbling and bumping into things on our way.

We make our way into our room and the backs of my thighs hit our bed, he slightly pushes me back and I sit and stare at him in awe. He looks so good, his hair tousled, his eyes dark, and his button up slightly wrinkled and the top button undone. He leaned forward and captured my lips in a kiss, his arms were on either side of me, holding himself up. After a bit, we both started moving up the bed more, so my head laid on our pillows. He leaned his head down to my neck, he started nipping there and kissing, leading his kisses lower. He got his lips all the way down to my stomach and he pulled my shirt off, he sat there staring and he couldn't keep his hands off. He massages my chest and stomach and licked his lips. I then sat up on the bed and removed my bra, his hands moved to my breasts and caressed them, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. My hands reached forward and I started unbuttoning his shirt, kissing my way down his chest until it was undone, I pulled it off his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. I said to him, "lay on your back, pretty boy", he quickly switched us around so we had his head on our pillows and he was waiting for whatever I had planned.

     I splayed my hand out on his chest and dragged it down till it reached his crotch, I massaged it and his head fall back against the pillows and his mouth laid agape. I slowly undid his dress pants and dragged my mouth against his underwear. I looked at the member that laid in his briefs uncomfortably, and quickly gave him more space to breathe. I took his underwear down and his member popped up. I slowly dragged my mouth up his penis and he wrapped his hand in my hair. I then wrapped my mouth around him and went up and down, making sure to keep my lips wrapped around my teeth. I then slowed down a bit and let my teeth drag slightly and he shivered, not expecting it, and a small noise left his mouth, which did not happen often. My hands grabbed his hips, and I continued. He soon started to move more sporadically so I pulled my myself off and kissed his neck. He grabbed the back and of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, he then said "lay on your back now, love" and I did.

He then pulled my pants off and my underwear and he shuttered at the view, he still was shocked and excited when he saw me fully naked, which will never get old for me. He then spread my legs and got a good view, then he questioned, "do you want me to? I can if you'd like?". I'm my head, so badly I wanted him to, I love the feeling of his head I'm between my thighs, his hair tickling my legs, and sometimes his scruff scratching me, but my body couldn't handle much more. The view of him, and pleasuring him has me feeling too much already. "I don't think I can, please I just need you inside me", I say, Sherlock is happy either way and will get pleasure either way so he wins. He then lines himself up and slowly sinks into me, I whimper and grab a hold of his shoulders. He is leaning over me, his left arms holding him over me, his forearm holding him up, and his right hand is grabbing my hip. He looks to me for permission to go faster, and I smile in approval.

He starts to move faster and his breath is hitting my in the neck. My head is far back and I cannot stop breathing to the point of my chest moving too fast. His right hand is still on my hip and he is moving faster and faster, I cannot focus on anything but him. I start to moan and whine, wanting more and more of him, until he puts his hand on my clit and he starts to rub it. I'm overwhelmed with feelings, and I love everything that is happening. His thrusts become sporadic, and his hand isn't moving in a pattern anymore, little noises are leaving his mouth and he is leaning his head back. I start to feel pressure build in my stomach and it is almost too much, but not enough. My hands are in Sherl's hair and I cannot find enough to grab hold of. He keeps going until the pressure in my stomach releases and so much oxytocin and serotonin during my orgasm that it is overwhelming. Right after my climax, Sherlock reaches his, he releases into me and he shutters in amazement and happiness. His head falls into my chest and we both try to relax after our orgasms. His hands are holding my shoulders and all of his body weight is on me, which doesn't bother me at all.

After a few minutes of us calming down, Sherl looks up at me lovingly, I look down and smile at him. He moves a piece of hair out of my face and we both giggle a bit, after sex him and I normally giggle about everything. We are high on love, what can I say.

"You got the best of both sides" I say to Sherlock.

"Yes, I guess I did" he replies.

"Your mind palace has such wonderful things hiding in each corner doesn't it?" I say jokingly

"I guess you can say it's a magical place"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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