"Owwwwwwwwww ow ow ow ow" I said holding my hand

"What happened?" He frowns holding my hand

"We were uh" El paused "we were attacked in the toilets we she was attacked we tried fighting but he was too strong for us"

"Attacked!!?" Harry shouts "by who?" He looks at me getting angrily

"That's what we don't know" Danielle said

"And how did you get hurt?" Lou said holding my hand

"His face was sooo hard as stone" I said

"But he started by following us the entire time" Nat adds

"Then why didnt you call us?" Niall said

"With what? A bird call?" I said they snort

"How did you'll escape him?" Lou asked they looked at me

"She snapped his head" Dani said

"Way to go man" Lou said I'm we high five but with a wrong hand

"Owww ow ow ow ow www" I pout

"But he did say something about him been sent to kidnap Talia because of how special she is " Dani said

"She us indeed special at whooping ass" harry said I chuckles

"I wonder did it" zayn shook his head

"Is any of you hurt?" Liam asked

"Nah just a bang on the walls" I said they laughed

"Then do I" he sniffs the air oh no "then why do I smell blood?" He frowns we all looked at Danielle who started blushing hard causing me to chuckle my chuckles turned into laughs

"All you need to know is no one is hurt" I laughed

"Noo I need to know who's bleeding so whoever is hurt speak up!" Harry said I laughed softly

"Danielle just say so" Nat laughed I nudge her arm she kept quiet

"Okay Danielle is on her period" I said easily The car became quiet

"The what now?" Harry asked confused I chuckle

"She's bleeding through her vagina it what girls go through every month it's called puberty" Nat said I look at the boys who were blushing

"Well not all the girls" I said

"Yes you you have a problem mom was right about you" Perrie points at Me

"Excuse me!!! Its not my fault I don't go to puberty plus I'm still young" I pout

"Your eighteen for fucks sake" Dani said I huff and lay down then the car stopped we said goodbye to Zayn and Perrie his house us really beautiful

"We have to check that hand when we get home" Harry said gently rubbing it

"Oh let me" Liam said taking my hand and massaging it till he found the right spot I since "there it is it's dislocated"he said before snapping it I let out a scream "better?" He said I nod

"You could have atleast warned me" I said the car stop we said goodbye to Niall and Nat

"It would have been more painful if you know what's coming" he said

"Aw I hate seeing her in tears" harry whines and wipe my tears with his thump I didn't realize I had tears I blushed and look at his green eyes then back at my hands

"Aw you too love each other" El whines

"They in love" Lou grins like a teenager in love

"What! Pftt no" harry and I said Unison

"Awe look at them" Liam said

"They both blushing how cute!"

"Stop it"we said unison again we look at each other and blush the car stopped we said goodbye to Liam and Dani

"See yah tonight" they waved

At the corner of my eye i see El and Lou holding hands and looking at each others eyes then Lou starts to lean in I nudge harry who busy with his phone we both look at them as they lips touched

I just witness my sisters first kiss

I don't know if I should disgusted or happy but yay Harry and i cheered they pulled away and blush

"Awe they love each other" I whined

"I know it's been like two days but I'm really starting to fall for this girl" Lou said El blush

"I'm starting to fall for you too" she said Lou holds her and kissed her passionately it was damn romantic the car stopped

"Bye guys" Lou said standing up but still looking at El

"Uh bye?" Harry said they both walked out living harry and I

"Well that was..." I paused

"A nice scene?" He said I chuckle and nod "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you" he said I shook my head

"No no it's not your fault Hazza" I said 

"But I promised I would protect you"

"You can't always be there to protect me" I said he smiles and nod

"Well why don't we get home and cuddle before going to Ed's?" He smiles I chuckle nod I hear Andre chuckle and look at me in the rear view mirror

"You Andre need to shut up" I point at him he laughs

"Yeah Andre shut up" Harry said

The car parked and we walked inside "my love birds are back" Angie said

"Were not love birds" harry rolled his eyes

"Oh please" she said I sigh and walked to my room and packed the clothes in the closet I ended up changing into shorts and one of Harry's shirt walked out my room and into Harry's to find him crossing his legs and playing a game on his phone he looks serious and human sometimes I forget a girl like me would never be with a guy like harry we are two different people living in the same world

I walked up to him and snatch his phone "this looks interesting" I said playing the game but pushing random buttons

"Hey" he interject "you don't even know what you doing you just pressing random buttons"

"At least its working" I said still playing I look at his hand then back at the game "you paler what's wrong?"

"I-i haven't fed in a while" he said I slowly shift "but I won't hurt you".

"Doesn't human food make you stuff" I said still playing

"Nah it does a little but we Drink blood" he said

"Then do drink I'll wait for you" I said still playing the game.

"Y-your not disgusted by me?" He ask I smile and shook my head

"I can't be disgusted it's the way you live I have no right to judge" I said still playing the game he kisses my forehead

"Your the best stay here I'll be back in a minute" he said then they was wind ugh vampire speed

I continue playing the game and won three rounds already then harry walks in or should I say ran in and the phone was snatched from my hand

"Nooooooooooooooo" I cried "I was about to bit the snail!!!" I said .

"No you getting too obsessed" he said putting it away I frown and fold my arms "now come on" he said pulling my hand

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