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You and Chihiro were in a car with your parents going to your new house

Why did you guys even move? You don't even know

Chihiro was laying with her head on your lap admiring a bouquet of flowers that her friends gave.They even put in a note for her,it wrote

* i'll miss you Chihiro-your best friend,Rumi*

How about you? Well,you didn't get anything from your friends not even a flimsy piece of paper,sorry.

"Chihiro,Y/N..we're almost there"

"Really dad? You've said that for the last couple of times already" you said.It's true it has been a couple of hours since you were on the road

"Trust me on this one "
"This really is in the middle of nowhere.We're going to have to the next town to shop"

What a shame, if your mom wants to go get stuff and she wants you to join, you will at least have to endure an hour ride.
You sigh

"We'll jusy have to learn like it" your dad added

"Look,Chihiro,there's your new school. Looks great doesn't it" your dad pointed out since you can see it from where you were

"It doesn't look bad" mom commented

"Yeah,but it's a little smaller.." you added

"It's gonna stink, I like my old school better" Chihiro said sulking,burying her head into your stomach

There was a comfortable silence after that. Chihiro were admiring the bouquet again and you were just looking outside the window

Suddenly,Chihiro bolted out of her position,startling you at the same time

"Mom! My flowers are dying!" Chihiro cried shoving the bouquet in your moms face

"It's because you keep smothering it like that. We'll put them in water when we arrive at our new home"

After hearing that, Chihiro sat back down leaning against your shoulder

"This is the first time i got a bouquet and it's a good-bye present. It's depressing"

"Well at least you got something Chihiro" you said a little jealous of her

"Well you're more depressing"

'Wow, is that rude or is that true' you thought

"Dad bought you a rose for your birthday, remember?"

"Mom, a single rose isn't a bouquet. It's just a rose"
You said trying to sound smart? But it didn't work even Chihiro knows that

"Chihiro your card fell out. Im opening the window and quit whining, it's fun to move to a new place"

"Yeah, Chihiro quit whining. It's fun like mom said" you said

"Shut up,for you it is,as I said it's because you're more depressing"

'...i still don't know if that's true or not'

"It's an adventure alright.." your dad said a little awkward

A/N ummm...i look up the script for their dialogue but it didn't say who's who sooo ueah.. and it is based off of my memory too so im sorry if some of the dialogue was suppose to be someone elses
You comment on it and i'll fix it

Thank you,
Peace out

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