We all should excercise.lol

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In the distance, the boy that shooed you away from the bridge was coming towards you both

And he's getting closer and closer until you can see him.

"Woah,what? Where did he come from?"

Chihiro saw him and for some reason got scared.

"Don't be afraid,i'm a friend"


Chihiro is always dramatic but you could understand,you guess

"Are you really a friend though? How could we know that you're not a...you know..yeah,im not saying word" what?

"I can asssure you that i am a friend but you have to eat this first"


"yeah,no please?"

"Open your mouth and eat this because unless you eat something feom this world,you'll vanish"

"ok then,i'll eat it first"


the boy feed you the thing that looks red and round eventhough you held your hand out for it,but whatever as long as you don't vanish it'll do

"No! I don't want it! What if it has poison? Or it can turn you into a pig?"

"Don't worry,it won't turn you into a pig"

"listen to him Chihiro, wouldn't have I turn into a pig by now?"


Before she finished her sentence,the boy put the red round food into her mouth.

"Chew it and swallow"
Chihiro did what was told

"good girl,you're fine.See for yourself"

is good girl not weird to say,especially to a stranger? Maybe not, you don't even know

"I'm back..."

"Duh, and i've been back while you were throwing that tantrum of yours"

you got a slap on your forearm. She can really switch her personality real quick and you still don't get it,you're really stupid.

"But,what about our mom and dad? They didn't turn into pigs,did they?"

you look at her like she was stupid when it's actually the opposite but,you have to understand,she was in shock and you both deal with it in different ways

"You can't see them now,but you will-"

Suddenly,the boy,trapped chihiro onto a wall and you got triggered

"Hey! What-"

He pushed you down onto the wall aswell,and you fell because of that

"Quiet!" He whisper shouted

Then ,you saw a bird flying around and you're 100% sure that it had a human head,you weren't really sure, you were probably tripping. Who knows?

"It's looking for you. There's no time,let's run!"

You got up as soon as he told you to run but there was a tiny inconvenience.

"I....I can't stand up! Oh no! My legs don't work!"

" Oh no! Did you get a cramp?"
You were worried of course,why wouldn't you?

"Calm,now.Take a deep breath"

Chihiro and even you did what was told. Why you did that? Because you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"in the name of the wind and bla bla bla bla-Get up"

You zoned out

" I can stand now!"

The boy immediately took Chihiros hand and you took her hand and run as fast as possible.

You should've done some excercise if you knew you would be running this much. Not being fit really suck in this occasion. You wonder if you would at least lose some weight in the process.

i love saying lol.lol
im sorry for not updating😔
im sorry

Thank you,
Peace out

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