A Dangerous Affair: Part 1 (Rating: Explicit)

Start from the beginning

"Are you happy with him?"

She throws him a disbelieving look. Granger shrugs, still waiting for the answer.

"Yes." she says, almost suppressing a smile. "He makes me very happy."

Granger sits back, beckoning for her to lay down with him.


They're at another hotel room this time. He'd booked a hotel somewhere far out, so no one they knew would see them together.

Granger starts kissing her neck. It's a tactic that's worked on her the last few times.

True enough, she melts in his arms. He starts pressing kisses down to her cleavage, his hands pulling her ass to his body.

"Wait," she pauses, her silver-blonde hair tickling his nose. "Can we do something else together?"

"Like what?" Granger says confusedly.

"There's a mini-carnival going on nearby," Silvanna offers, pointing out the window and drawing random circles southwards.

Granger stared in disbelief. Silvanna held her ground.

"Fine," he sighed.

They got hotdogs and candy floss. They rode the viking ship a few times. Then they tried their hand at throwing balls into hoops and a few shooting games. Granger was the best at those. They rode the ferris wheel but both agreed it was boring.

Granger tore her black silk thong off her body later in the bedroom.


They hadn't done this in over two years. Yet here they were now, in some hotel room on the other side of town.

"I have a child." she warns him as she sees him coming near.

"So do I." Granger says, as their lips meet.

Later, Granger selects an apple from the fruit bowl. This hotel room's pretty decent compared to most of the other ones they'd been in. They'd even given them fresh fruit and flowers as a form of welcome.

Granger took the apple to the bed, where Silvanna was still lying naked.

"Here." he offered, slicing the apple in half, and removing the seeds and passing her the cut apple before she even asked for it.

"Thanks," she said, accepting the apple slice, wiping tears away.

"You okay?" Granger asked. She nodded but didn't say anything. Was it guilt? Anger? Shame? Granger knew she didn't want to talk about it.

Silvanna didn't push him away when he tried to cuddle.


It was a boring day at work. Till he got her text.

It was short and sweet.

You. Me. Tonight. Oxford Hotel on Sunset street.

You serious? he texted back.


And then another text from her.

Tie me up.

Granger called Fanny and asked him if she could help look after his kid for a few hours that night.


Silvanna was out of town for a conference.

What a coincidence, so was he.

Actually no, he wasn't. But it was the perfect excuse to go spend the night with her. He had to give multiple excuses to Alucard while asking him to take care of his child while Granger was away.

Seeing her in black lace lingerie and her lips wrapped around his cock was worth it.


She's fiddling with his wedding ring on his finger when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and jumped up.

"Hi sweetheart!" she answered the phone, moving towards the balcony and shutting the glass door. Granger watched her speak animatedly on the phone.

"Your husband?" Granger asks when she finally gets off the phone and comes back into the room.

"No, my daughter." she says, sending text messages. She's still working twenty minutes later.

"Come to bed," Granger says.

She finally puts away her phone and joins him in the bed.

They cuddle for a bit, till her hands snake down towards his thighs.


When she woke up, he was gone. She checked her texts.


Silvanna heaved her luggage bag from the taxi to the pavement, waving away the taxi driver's offer to help. She gazed up at her home. It was modest, but it was enough for her, her husband and her daughter. They were happy here.

She shook off the thoughts of the man she slept with last night.

"Babe?" Silvanna called out as she let herself in.

"In here," came a male voice from the kitchen. Silvanna walked through the doorway, seeing the man in sweatpants.

"How was the conference?" her husband asked, as he sliced the apple in his hand, carefully removing the seeds.

"It was good. I think they really liked my ideas." Silvanna dropped her handbag on the dining table before moving to her husband. He passed her the now seedless apple half along with a kiss.

"Met anyone new?" he asked casually, wiping his hands. Silvanna rolled her eyes as she bit into the apple slice.

"Only a handsome guy," She teases.

"Must be a stud," her husband says idly.

"He is," Silvanna sighs. "He's way better looking than you."

"Hey!" Granger says. Silvanna laughs, kissing him as he made a mock sad face.

"Why didn't you come back with me? I woke up and you already left the hotel." she asked, biting into her apple again.

"Andrea wanted me to bring her to the zoo after school," he replied.

"You could have told me and we'd come back together." Silvanna pointed out.

Granger shook his head. "I thought you might as well get more sleep." 

"Besides," he smirked, "you came so hard last night I thought you might still be knocked out this morning."

"It's... no... ugh!" Silvanna shoved him as he laughed. She could feel the tell-tale blush rising in her cheeks. How was it that she was married to him for 7 years and he could still make her blush like this?

"Mummy!" a voice thankfully cuts in as five-year-old Andrea runs in. Silvanna picks her up.

"Hi sweetheart." she says fondly. "I heard Daddy brought you to the zoo today?"

"Yeah, we saw elephants! Can we have an elephant?"

As Andrea babbled on, Silvanna sneaked a peek at Granger.

They'd been together for so long that sometimes things felt a little boring and monotonous. But he always tried to make things fun and exciting again.

It was always funny whenever they pretended to go have a one night stand with each other. Sometimes she wanted to break character and laugh at the silliness of it.

But she was also touched that he always made the effort to keep their relationship fresh.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she looked at the screen. Unread texts, unread emails, to-do lists of never-ending things that needed her attention.

She looked at her daughter and her husband. Little Andrea was now asking about what the zoo animals ate for dinner and Granger was patiently answering her questions.

She left her phone on the table as she helped Granger prepare their own dinner. Work can wait.

Her phone was left untouched the whole night.

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