Everything Changes and Nothing Stands Still

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Written for MGL.

(I have never seen fanfics written from King Aurelius point of view, so I thought this would be interesting to see how he sees the Lightborn Squad.)

King Aurelius had lived through many wars.

They had started as far back as he could remember, since he was a child and his father was King, and the monsters of the Shadow Abyss spread far and wide, causing chaos throughout the land.

When he was a strapping boy of eighteen summers, he took up the mantle of Captain of the Imperial Knights, as he commanded armies against the horrors who could raise the dead.

When he became King, he welcomed a daughter, Silvanna. Then one spring, the Moniyan Empire was overjoyed when his son, Aurelius II, was born.

Alas, but their joy would be short-lived. His son was killed barely a year after he was born, by the horrors of the Shadow Abyss, no less.

So it was not meant to be, for him to see his son take up the post of Captain. King Aurelius sighed as he sat on his throne, thinking.

Then he sat up. He was King and he needed to ensure there would be a pool of young capable Knights who could be trained for the role.

Of the many young men who served the Army, one stood out. Tigreal was young and sharp, always eager to learn.

He came from a family of warriors, and his father Gareth was the Minister of Defense. King Aurelius kept a close eye on this boy. It was clear that he loved the Moniyan Empire, and when he brought his younger sister along to the training grounds, it seemed he had also taught her to love their homeland as well.

King Aurelius kept a close eye on Tigreal, considering him for the most elite positions, while young Fanny also began training as a soldier.

But then a mission went wrong. And Tigreal disappeared to Northern Vale, unable to cope with the pressure.

Meanwhile, his daughter Silvanna had become taken with Fanny, and the duo became fast friends. The Queen was happy to let Fanny come over as often as she liked, even staying over in the Imperial Sanctuary on days when training ended late. After the disappearance of Tigreal, Fanny chose to stay over more often.

The Imperial Sanctuary, which had become so quiet after the death of King Aurelius' son, was now filled with joy again with two female voices.

Before he knew it, King Aurelius basically had two daughters instead of one.


King Aurelius could not rest though, as the monsters of the Shadow Abyss grew stronger. And to his dismay, his own daughter Silvanna signed up to the Imperial Army when she came of age.

"I have to do this." she says firmly to the King and Queen. "Our people are suffering and I cannot stand by and do nothing."

So King Aurelius stood by and did nothing when his only child, the heir to his throne, trained to become an Imperial Knightess.

Missions passed. Both the King and Queen had a ritual to pray together every night. And King Aurelius prayed every time he watched Silvanna leave, hoping it would not be her last mission.

Those prayers to the Lord turned from one person to two people, when the Queen began adding Fanny's name to the list, as they watched Fanny take on more and more missions.

The leaves fell, as autumn turned into winter.

One cold night, those prayers turned from two to three, as a surprise visitor late at night turned out to be Tigreal, who had returned from Northern Vale.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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