Chapter 17: Fight with a Hundred

Start from the beginning

" Don't touch that! That's Erin-san's gift and-

" Blah blah blah." Freed boredly interjected and waved the Bracelet carelessly. " Why would you cry over something so stupid? HaH?"

The bracelet glowed and Freed looked at it in confusion.

" What's up with this shit? Tsk." He snapped the bracelet and it fell to the ground.

" NOOOOOOO!!" Asia screamed and thrashed. Her actions were futile since she was restrained by Raynare.

"What are you shouting about?" Asked Freed in annoyance.

" That's enough, Freed." Raynare said as she placed the final locks to secure Asia. " Go join the others on guarding the entrance."

" Meh. So boring." Freed replied. " There are already a hundred of birds gathered there. Why would I flock together with them?"

" Because I say so." Raynare replied with a sneer. "Leave before you disrupt the ritual."

" Hai, hai." Freed mumbled as he started walking away. " Stupid bird."




" What's going on there?"

Dohnaseek scanned the source of the commotion and see a portion of the Fallen Angels being blasted.

" Tsk. It's those stupid brats again." He stepped away from his hiding place and motioned for Mittelt to follow him.

Issei was fending off a group of Fallen Angels using his Boosted Gear and the Goddess was electrocuting several Angels she can using her Lightning bolts.

"Tsk. These numbers would pose a problem for us." Erin said in irritation as she and Issei were standing side by side on their backs. They were driven to a corner by Fallen Angels approaching them.

"If this continues, my mana would slowly be depleted and I can't use my lightning attacks any further." The Goddess thought in irration.
" I can recharge using the lightning source but we would be dead before I can fully restore my mana reserve."

Issei was slowly panting. The repeated use of his Boosted Gear to blast an explosion was taking a toll on his body. But still, he was driven by determination to save the blonde nun.

" Cover you ears, Issei!"

Erin activated her gear and using a considerable amount of magic, she further amplified the attack of her Sonic Scream to fend off a large amount of angels approaching them.

The Fallen Angels all dropped to the Ground one after the other.

" This might tire us out.." Erin started.

" But we'll give all our best to save Asia!" continued Issei.

With that declaration, they went separate ways to fight another batch of Fallen Angels approaching them.

" Fools! What are you doing letting yourselves be defeated by mere humans?!" Dohnaseek shouted as he and Mittelt made their appearance.

" D-Dohnaseek-sama.."

" Finish them and Kill them without mercy!"

" Hai! Dohnaseek-sama!" The Fallen Angels were energized and they made their way towards the two.


" Arghhh!"

Dohnaseek's brows furrowed in irritation as he saw new enemies appearing.

" Sorry we're late, Erin-san and Hyoudou-san." Kiba said as he swung his sword.

Koneko pulled a tree and threw it which effectively crushed a large number of the Fallen Angels.

"Senpai." Koneko greeted the Goddess

Erissei were relieved since their chances of winning now increased.

" Let's finish these Fallen creatures and show them they are messing with the wrong people." Erin said as blue sparks surrounded both her hands.


It was a chaotic battlefield and every now and then, a Fallen Angel will either be sent flying or blasted from the ground.

Dohnaseek observed the scene with rising anger especially that the Fallen Angels were slowly decreasing in numbers and being defeated.

" Useless Fools! There are hundred of you and you were still defeated by filthy devils and mere humans?!" He thought as he found it outrageous.

" Mittelt! Go and assist Raynare! Make sure the ritual is completed at all costs!"

" Hai, Dohnaseek-sama!" bowed the girl and flew towards the location.

" TeheHeheheHe! Are you having fun here without me?"

Dohnaseek scoffed upon hearing the voice but decided to just let the crazy man be.

" What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be guarding the ritual?"

" What is wrong with everyone? Raynare told me to go here and you're telling me to leave?" Freed rambled. "Are you seriously leaving me out of the fun?"

"Erin-san and Hyoudou-san. Go save Asia! We'll handle things from here!" Kiba declared as he and Koneko gazed at their new opponents.

The Goddess finished off the last of the Fallen Angels with a lightning shock and her mana was drastically low by now.

" Are you sure? Kiba-san?" Issei asked for confirmation.

" Positive."

Erissei nodded and they went off causing Freed to throw a fit like a child.

" Hey, No fair! You're letting those two get away!"

" If you don't want to die, you better focus on your current opponents you crazy exorcist."

Freed laughed maniacally and tightened his grip on his sword.

" I suppose I can do that. Hehehe."

- End of Chapter -

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