Chapter 9

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Diana felt arms wrap around her and lift her up, though she wasn't sure if she was still dreaming or not. Her eyelids felt heavy and even though her mind was waking up her body didn't seem to have gotten the message. However upon hearing Lucy's voice protesting against something, her eyes snapped open.

Diana was floating? No, she was being held. But by who, or by what? She could only see Lucy and herself suspended in the air. But she could feel hands holding her up. Although she should have been more used to experiencing all kinds of things at this point, Diana was still confused. Maybe she should have been feeling scared, but she was only getting increasingly angrier of whatever was manhandling her.

Beside Diana, Lucy was struggling against their captors. She looked quite silly swiping at air and Diana would have probably laughed at her friend had she not been in the same situation. Frustrated, she kicked and and elbowed as hard as she could. It wasn't until she bit the hand covering her mouth that she was let go, being tossed not very kindly to the ground. Lucy followed next.

 Laughter was coming from all around them, they were circled. As fast as she could Lucy stood and held out her knife, ready to fight something she couldn't see. Diana sighed, standing up a lot slower and looking cautiously all around her. It was too early for whatever this was, the sun wasn't even up yet and that made for a very angry Diana.

"What kind of cowards kidnap two girls while they are sleeping and won't even show themselves?" she growled.

"We are no cowards," a deep voice called out. "We are your worst nightmare."

Diana scoffed, "Yeah, well I am about to be your worst nightmare if you woke me up at the crack of dawn for nothing."

Lucy gave her friend a warning look. She knew first hand that Diana was not a morning person, but she didn't think that expressing her anger now would lead to anything good for them.

"What are you?" Lucy spoke up before her friend got them both into a worse situation.

"We are terrifying invisible beasts," came from a different voice behind.

"If you could see us, you would be very intimidated." All around the girl more creatures were agreeing. Each new voice adding a new way in which they were horrifying monsters.

Diana had had enough, rolling her eyes, "What do you want?"

"You, you will do what we ask."

Lucy crossed her arms, beside Diana. "Or what?"

"Or death." All around them voices chanted the word over and over again. If she was being honest, Diana was beginning to get a little freaked out. If these creatures did decide to kill her, she wouldn't even see it coming. Literally.

"What use are we to you death? If you need us as much as you say, you need us alive." Diana was praying they did in fact need them to do something and not just to be the special ingredient for their stew.

"We only need one of you, if you don't do what we ask will kill the other one." Without warning Diana was picked back up by invisible hands. "And we will also kill your friends."

Diana looked at Lucy still standing on the ground, the girl was looking back at her friend with fear in her eyes. The last thing she wanted was Diana dead when it was her fault she was in Narnia in the first place.

Lucy sighed looking defeated, "What do you want with me?"

There was a moment of silence and for a second Diana believed there would be no response but then, "You will enter the house... of The Oppressor."

Diana didn't like the sound of that one bit, she didn't want her friend anywhere near 'The Oppressor' not when their invisible friends had said it like that. The seemed afraid of whoever this Oppressor was and if they were afraid so was she for Lucy's safety.

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