Part Five: Γονε σο σοον;

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☆☆TBH I'm tired of finding an actor to play a character, so I will be taking us back to 2014, and will  be using the fantasy maker from Rinmaru games
P.S hnn I really hate how Orrin turned out he looks like a mix of my ex and a sloth. Please forgive, it's hard to make nice looking, masculine men on there☆☆

Brother was nervous around our father. He walked on eggshells, spoke quietly and softly. But our father didn't seem to notice. Instead he wanted to explore our village, to be taken to the local marketplace.

Father and I had to wear our  cloaks to shield our horns from the public, but brother just put on his war gear. He gets stuff at a discount like that.

"Ah, captain Orrin! How lovely to see you in town today?" The shopkeeper shook my brother's hand excitedly. "Ah, and you brought your brother, how cute. I bet he's adorable under that cloak. Too bad he's allergic to the sun, Apollo and his strong ways!" He jokingly shook his fist at the sky. "How can I help you?"

Orrin handed him a list of items we needed for the house.

The shopkeeper pulled it close to wizened eyes. "Ah, and the currency?" My brother reached into his knapsack to retrieve coins when someone else in a cloak bumped into him, a bunch of drachmas falling to the the ground.

"Excuse you," he whipped around to look at the other man and stood there, dumbfounded.

"What an interesting development," Father mused. In front of us stood two others like us but they didn't look Greek.

They were darker than I ever seen.  Everyone in Greece was the same color, tan or olive. But they were absolutely beautiful, unlike anything I've ever seen.

The taller one narrowed his eyes at us while the shorter one hurriedly collected the drachmas and handed them back to Orrin.

"You remember when I told you that you had other siblings?" I gasped. "Are they--"

He nodded. My mind and heart sss running at a thousand paces.

"Drachma, please?" The shopkeeper seemed confused and my brother hastily handed him a sack of coins to send him on his way. As soo as he was gone I pushed through Orrin to meet my other siblings.

"Hello!" I threw my arms out around the shorter one and hugged him close. "What do you like to do in your free time, brother? I'm a fan of the arts and I like to visit temples." He blinked at me and spoke.

"What?" His voice was throaty and his language was ancient sounding, probably Mycenaean Greek.

Father stepped behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "They speak a different language, son. They do not understand you."

He spoke to them in the same language and the shorter one's eyes flickered to mine. The taller one, however, seemed hooked on Orrin.

And Orrin seemed hooked on him too.

The shorter one gave me a strong hug. His arms were as warm as his eyes, the same orange yellow as a flame. He pulled away and reached into his cloak, withdrawing a shining gem, as green as the grass.

"These are your brothers from Egypt." Father explained. "And I wonder what they're doing so far from home."

The taller one's eyes snapped away from Orrin as he spoke in his language to Father, bowing his head.

Father seemed to understand and spoke to them again.

My new brothers looked at each other and nodded, the shorter one joining me and the taller going to my brother.

"Have fun, boys!" Father cheered as he dragged me and the shorter one away from Orrin and the slightly taller one.

"We'll have fun and let you two get to know each other," Father grinned brightly. "Maybe share a lunch?"

Orrin and my other brother paid for the groceries and walked away from the marketplace, disappearing from sight.

"Come, boys," Father whipped around heading towards  our home.

I really wish I could speak to my brother. I stared longingly at his face. But, I'm sure he feels the same way.

Father led us to the mountain by our home and stopped us at the peak.

We sat in a triangle formation on the hill and removed our cloaks.

I gasped at the sight of my newfound brother. "You're so pretty!" Father translated. He smiled and replied.

"He thinks you're pretty too. Of course you're pretty, I designed you that way."

My brows furrowed. "Designed?"

He nodded. "Yes. Did you think you were born? I made one or two incubi in each country to spread my reach. You're one of the few who haven't met me. All of my sex demons know their past. Except you, due to Orrin."

That was a lot of information to swallow.

Lucifer pet my head. "My poor boy, shielded from this world. I will teach you everything."

He placed a kiss on my forehead, causing it to tingle. "I have sealed your fate, boy. You will not be touched by another until you've found your mate. Which is sooner than you think."

I gasped. "You know who he is? Please tell me, Father. I am anxious!"

He shook his head. "Later. First--" he waved his hand in the space in front of us. "Lunch." An assortment of fine foods suddenly appeared in front of us.

Wine, breads, dates and meats, all for us. "And--" he waved his hand again, lazily, and I felt something change in my ears.

He whispered something to my brother. My brother faced me. "Hello," he greeted. I gasped once more. "I understand you!" I cried, giving him a tight hug. He laughed and fell over from the force and we went rooling down the hill.

"Boys!" Lucifer yelled as we rolled at top speeds. We landed in a heap at the foot of the hill, gasping for air and laughing.

"I am Aaru," he grinned. "And you?"

"Ambrosius." He sat up and dusted off his clothes. "Ambrosius, that's God food, isn't it?" I shrugged. "Close. Are you friends with any Gods?"

He nodded and offered me a hand to stand up. "We, my brother and I, our patron God is Anubis. He's been protecting us since we arrived, before he was the God of Death."

"My brother's and I is Hades." We started back up the hill. "What does your brother do?"

"Mine?" Aaru hummed. "Mine is a warrior." I was shocked at how similar we were.

"Mine too!" Aaru's stomach growled. "We should get up there faster."

I nodded excitedly. Now I have another brother to talk to!

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