Part Six: Βλοοδ Μαψ βε Τηιξκ...

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I had loads of fun with father and Aaru. We had dined and played in the fields, oohing at the flowers and plants.

But then it was time to go home. I glumly trudged back to my humble home and found my brother with the biggest smile on his face and his hair mussed.

"What happened to you?" My brother always kept himself tidy.
"I could ask you the same thing." He looked pointedly at the grass stains covering me. "Ah, do you know how long this takes to wash? I might as well just buy you a new one at this point." He sighed.

I pouted. "I'm going to go wash." He nodded. "Okay...wait! No!"

It was too late. I opened the door and there was Aaru's brother without any clothes.

"What happened to you?" I grabbed his arm as I stared at the numerous bruises lining his neck and chest. "Are you okay?"

"Umm..." he looked to my brother for help, who simply chuckled. "This is no laughing matter, brother! Our brother has been beaten fiercely!"

"Ah, I forget how cute you are." I jumped at the sudden appearance of father. "Father, please, help him! He's been badly hurt." I fall to my knees.

"Oh my sweet Ambrosius." He lifted me with ease and held me in his lap. "Those bruises are not ones produced from violence."

"What else could they be from!" I cried. "Maybe ask your brothers." They both looked down and blushed.



"Come with me, Ambrosius." Lucifer cooed. "We must discuss a few things." I went to jump off of his lap but he picked me up and placed me down on the ground and led me to my room.

"Ambrosius, you're so innocent. The most innocent demon I've ever created." He mused after closing the door. "I know that useless god of war hit on you and said some pretty nasty things, didn't he? Well, he said that because you are an incubus. Do you what that means?"


"Well, you are a demon of sex. You thrive off of sex. The energy, the feeling, everything. However, when I created you, your brother had practically sobbed to make you...for a lack of better words, immune to this problem. You can survive solely on human food until you meet your mate, but after that you will start absorbing your mate's energy."

"What does this have to do with the bruises on my new brother?"

"Well your other brother out there, he's Orrin's mate." My jaw dropped. "That's right. Those bruises, you see, were from passionate kisses from Orrin. Speaking of, you might want to steer clear of the house for a few days. They're going to fuck on every surface available and I don't think you're ready for that."

Prince of the SunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon