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Kelly Severide was brought into the hospital after an accident on August 10th at 4:30 am. Matthew Casey pulled up to the hospital at 9:02 am. All he could think was 'I can't lose him.' 

Herman: "I was wondering if I could get an update on Kelly Severide? He was the firefighter that was brought in."

April: "Let me check."

April typed some things on her computer then with a smile on her face told Herman that he made it through surgery and they were expecting him to make a full recovery. Herman decided to go give Matt the good news.

Herman: "I just found out that Kelly made it through surgery and is in recovery right now. He'll be giving us all hell in no time."

Nobody said anything.

Herman: "Did I miss something?"

Matt: "Are you going to be here when Kelly gets up?"

Herman: "I'll camp out in his room if I have to."

Herman watched Matt slip his ring off his finger.

Matt: "Could you give him this. Tell him I want a divorce."

Herman didn't even have a chance to say anything before Matt was gone.

Herman: "What the hell happened?"

Brett: "I didn't know that him and Severide were together and I told him about Severide asking Stella out."

Kidd: "I also told him about what happened between Kelly and I. He didn't even give me a chance to explain."

Herman: "So you wreck the only stable relationship Kelly has ever had with someone he's been after since they were in the Academy and all you can say is that he didn't give you a chance to explain? Why would you bring that up with his husband's life on the line? Now Matt is gone. Kelly is going to wake up without his family because you felt like it was the right time to tell Matt about something completely insignificant to what happened this morning."

Boden: "Herman! Calm down. Let's focus on Kelly right now."

Herman: "This isn't sitting right with me. I'm going to call Cindy. Maybe Matt stopped by."

Herman called Cindy. Matt always felt like he could talk to her.

Cindy: "Christopher, is everything okay?"

Herman: "There was an accident and one of the guys got hurt. Hey listen has Matt called you at all?"

Cindy: "He did. He asked if I could watch Mateo for him while he got some stuff done around the house."

Herman: "When he gets there do whatever you can to keep him there till I get there. I love you honey."

Herman hung up the phone before Cindy could ask any questions. He'd get hell for it later but he had bigger problems to worry about.

Boden: "Herman, where are you going?"

Herman: "To try and fix this."

He gave no further explanation as he left the hospital. He arrived at his home 15 minutes later and found Matt in the living room crying.

Herman: "How's he doing?"

Cindy: "He's been crying since he got her about 20 minutes ago."

Herman: "Let me talk to him."

He made his way to the couch hopefully he could fix what was unfixable right now.

Herman: "Hey buddy, how ya feeling?"

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