Call it what you want

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Kelly and Matt hadn't even realized that they fell asleep when they were woken up by a screaming Leslie Shay.

Kelly: "What the hell Shay? We were trying to sleep."

Shay: "I leave you alone for one night and you fucked him too. Kelly I think you're addicted to sex. At least you can't get him pregnant."

Kelly: "Whoah whoah whoah, hold up a second. It's not like that. We like each other."

Shay: "So he's different than the other 'objects' I've caught you with?"

Kelly: "Jesus Shay. The fact that you had to ask when you know how long I've been in love with him is sad. Yes Matt is different."

Matt had stayed quiet not really sure if he should speak or not.

Shay: "So are you guys like dating now?"

Kelly & Matt: "Yes." "No."

Shay: "Well which is it?"

Matt: "I'm not ready to put a label on it."

Kelly: "But Matt, I love you. I don't do relationships but I want one with you."

Matt: "I love you too, but I had never even thought about another guy like that and I just think I need some time to think it all through."

Kelly: "You couldn't have told me that before I fucked you?"

Shay kept quiet, not really sure what to even say at this point. So she stood awkwardly by the island in the kitchen.

Matt: "That's not fair. We both wanted that."

Kelly: "I'm not so sure you did."

Kelly went to his room and slipped on a pair of jeans and a t shirt.

Shay: "Where are you going?"

Kelly: "Don't worry about it. I'll be back later."

He grabbed his jacket and keys and left without another word leaving Matt naked in more ways than one.

He showed up to Gabby's apartment about 20 minutes after he left his place with a tear stand face.

Gabby: "Kelly what's wrong?"

Kelly: "I took your advice and told Matt how I felt. And we had sex. Then he said he wasn't ready for a relationship."

Gabby: "You have to see it from his point of view. Look all I'm saying is that he's never been with a guy before Kelly. Call this thing with you and Matt whatever you want. Nobody has to know. It's not like you've seeing each other for months and he still isn't sure. Talk to him you'll figure it out."

Kelly: "Thanks Gabby. I think I'm going to talk to Matt and let him know that I now understand where he was coming from."

Gabby: "Hey before you go I have something I've been wanting to talk to you about."

Kelly walked into her apartment and sat down on her couch. His mind was racing as she talked. This is a golden opportunity but would Matt be ready? Did he love him enough to make this big leap with him? He wasn't even ready to be dating let alone this.

Kelly: "Can I talk it over with him?"

Gabby: "You have a month to decide. Do whatever you have to to get him on board."

Kelly: "I will. Thank you again."

Kelly gave her a kiss on the cheek and made his way to the door. He needed Matt to know he wanted him and nothing was going to change that. He thought of what to say on the drive back to his apartment. To his surprise Matt was still on the couch where he had left him. He had slipped one of Kelly's t-shirts on and a pair of boxers. He wasn't even sure if he should have stayed, Kelly seemed pretty mad at him. As Kelly approached Matt he could see the tear stains on his face.

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