Chapter 2

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As I was writing in my diary I heard a knock at the downstairs door. I thought to myself “Who could that be?” So I jogged down stairs and hurried to the door

“Hel-” I stopped once I saw who was at the door

“Is your ‘Mother’ home?” The stranger said

“Um...I can take a message” Though my mother was here I wanted to know why my agent from my foster care was here.

“We need to talk, Thats the message.” she said as she shook my hand and walked to her car.

God! Why do adults have to be so tough. I can be trusted! I’m at that age where no one gives a damn about me! I pounded up the stairs to my room and once I was jotting down my experience downstairs I realized, its not that big of a deal. Mother will tell me anyways if its about me.

Me. It has to be about me.

It hadn’t even been about 20 mins before I heard a car pull up. 

Uh oh. It was Car 806, Police chief. That guy was trouble, any trouble. I’ve only lived here 3 months and I know.

I hear my ‘Mother’ answer the door I could make out faint voices 

“H-Ehm Hello There.” She was ‘bout to give a friendly welcome I could hear it in her voice, Then once she got a whiff of him she paused and gave that ‘Polite’ Welcome.

“Er,” he hesitated “Hello” he tried again without hesitation

“What can i do for you kin-Sir?” She hesitated about saying the word ‘kind’

“Is your daughter around?” He seriously needs a life.

“Er, Maybe? Why does it concern you?” She tried being polite

“It ‘Concerns’ me because she’s under age. Er, meaning she was dri-”

“She would never.”

Oh No He Did not. Just. Lie. About. Me.

I rushed downstairs and before I could even open my mouth my mom had told him she understood and thanked him for the info. Even if it wasn’t true everyone knew.

“Why would he lie to my face?”


“Oh, so you weren’t sittin’ upstairs alone. Not payin any attention? Hmm? Thought so. Bull Crap.” She said

Crap, She was pissed.

“I’ll just be on my wa-”

“No. You’re staying home tonight.”

“Bu-Bu-” She kept cutting me off.

“No buts.”


What was i suppose to do all night?  I wasn’t some person who was easily occupied. So i went up stairs and read a book. When i finished the book it was only 3 p.m.

“Ugh” i groaned. It wasn’t the first time i was bored. i thought what do i do when i’m bored? Oh, yeah I’d go to my friends. Thats never been an option now. I heard the door open downstairs KENZIE!!

I rush down the stairs and hug her

“Woah,” she said “I’m loved!” She laughs

“I can’t go out tonight”

“Same,” she said with a sigh “Mom is comin’ she picked me up..” She trailed on

“Oh, kays.”

I'm Insane (Updated!!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant