You're the awesomest!

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Gou was sitting at the steps in front of the Cerise Laboratory. He was out there, contemplating and looking at the moon. He sighed. He hated feeling like this. Feeling like a failure, a total loser.

Ash went outside the laboratory, looking for his friend when he spotted him. He approached him and asked if he can sit next to the Pokémon catcher. Gou nodded and together, they looked at the moon that was overshadowing Vermillion City.

"Is something wrong?" Ash asked his friend. He didn't like the face of disappointment that Gou has. He doesn't like seeing Gou upset. More than anything, he always wanted to see him smile. That smile that always brightens up his day.

Gou let out another sigh. "I don't know I just feel... disappointed in myself." Gou admitted and let out another sigh. It was hard to admit your flaws to someone. And Ash, after going through so many hardships, knew that feeling so much.

Ash invited Gou to a tight and comforting hug, which resulted to Gou crying on Ash's shoulders. He really hated himself right now. Not only does he feel so sorry for himself, but then now, he thinks that Ash must pity him too. He didn't want the person he admires the most to think of that about him.

After Gou stopped crying, with Ash comforting him, they both rested their eyes again at the moon above them. "Why do you feel disappointed in yourself?" Ash asked. Gou looked down and debated in his head whether to tell Ash or not. That was a no brainer though. If there was anyone in the world who Gou can trust, who he can tell anything to and not judge him for it, it was Ash.

"It's okay if you don't wanna tell me!" Ash assured, not wanting to pressure his friend. "No, it's okay." Gou replied. "It's just... seeing you so close to achieving your goal, with you getting promoted to Hyper Class, it just made me think how I have made no progress at all in achieving my dream." He explained.

Ash felt bad. He didn't like it that the one who is making Gou feel like this is him. It's true that he was promoted to Hyper Class, but that was made possible because of Gou by his side, who was always cheering him on.

Ash then realized how much of a fool he is. Gou has always been there, supporting him, cheering him on. But has he done anything for Gou? Has he ever helped him in his conquest to capture Mew? No, he never did. He was being selfish.

"I'm sorry." Ash muttered. Gou looked at him with surprise. He didn't expect Ash to apologize, since he wasn't mad at Ash at all. "Why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything wrong!" Gou told Ash.

Ash shook his head. "That's what I did wrong. I didn't do anything." He said. Gou was quiet. He was confused as to what Ash meant by what he said. "You've always been with me in my battles. Anywhere I go, you come with me and cheer me on." Ash said.

Gou blushed. It was true that he always came with Ash wherever he goes for battles, but part of why he is coming with him was so that he can capture new Pokémon. But he does eventually cheer for him when his battles start. Gou was starting to think if that made his admiration for Ash so obvious and if Ash already knew about his feelings for him.

"You're the reason I kept going, even when I lost some battles. You being there for me, supporting me, has been one of the reasons I kept going forward." Ash confessed. Gou blushed even harder. He didn't know Ash felt this way about him.

"But I never supported you. I've never been there for you the same way you've been there for me." Ash finished. Gou shook his head. "No! That's not true at all!" he declared as he stood up. "Seeing you win your battles and get closer and closer to achieving your goals, it's what made me think that I can achieve mine too!" he continued. "You have been my biggest inspiration! You made me think that I can become great myself."

"Gou..." Ash muttered. Gou took Ash's hand and pulled him up, making him stand up. "You have done so much for me!" Gou said sincerely, putting both of his hands on Ash's shoulders. Ash blushed at the sudden contact, but he then looked back at Gou's determined eyes.

"You have supported me more than anyone ever did!" Gou started. "Ever since I was young, no one ever believed me when I said I saw Mew. No one also believed that I would ever be able to achieve my dream of catching Mew. Because of that, I became a laughingstock in school. That's one of the reasons why I never went to my classes, and Chloe had to deliver my assignments to me." He continued.

Ash got mad inside. He couldn't believe it that someone would make fun of someone like Gou. He was one of, if not, the coolest person he has ever met. Those bullies were lucky Ash wasn't there, because if he was, well they better start praying to Arceus.

"But then you came along." Gou said, blushing. Ash then stopped with his thoughts. He looked at Gou, who was looking down and was red in the face. "He's so adorable" Ash thought. But he knew better than to take advantage of this moment, so he let his friend continue his statement.

"You believed me when I told you I met Mew. You were one of the only people besides Chloe and my family who believed me. Not only that, but you also believe that I could achieve my goal of catching Mew! And knowing that there was someone who was supporting and believing in me, that was more than enough to keep me determined of achieving my goal!" he finished.

"Gou..." was all Ash could say. He was taken aback by what Gou said. He was surprised Gou felt the same way that he does for him. Maybe he really is a fool, a big one. Gou, after saying his statement, blushed after realizing what he just said. He basically just confessed his feelings to his friends. He panicked internally. He was scared about what Ash will say or do next, but instead he was surprised.

Ash held his hands and directed it to his lips. Gou blushed at what Ash was doing and immediately pulled his hand out. "W-w-w-what are you doing?!" Gou asked, stuttering. Ash let out a small chuckle. "I'm sorry, you were just so cute!" Ash said while rubbing the back of his head. "Do you not like it?" he asked and looked down.

"No! I love it!" Gou said out loud. He then realized how embarrassing what he said is. "No, I like it! I meant- you know, if you like doing it, then I guess I don't mind." He continued. Ash was laughing so hard in his head. "This is just too adorable." He thought.

Ash then reached out again for Gou's hands and gave it a light peck. Gou was blushing so hard. He never expected this to happen, though he always wanted it too. Ash then looked at Gou's eyes and caressed his cheeks.

"I think you're a great person!" Ash confessed. "No, not just great. The greatest!" he continued. Gou blushed, again. He sure was blushing a lot this night. He didn't know if he deserves that compliment, but if it came from Ash, well he had no choice but to take it.

"I think you're the awesomest too." Gou replied. He then realized that the word awesomest doesn't exist. He blushed even harder, embarrassed about what he said. "I meant great! You're great! The greatest!" Gou rambled.

Ash couldn't take it anymore. Gou was just being too adorable. He pulled him in closer to him and locked their lips with a kiss. Gou was surprised, but he didn't fight back. He let Ash lead him on with their kiss. After a moment that seemed like an eternity, they both let go and was panting to catch their breath.

They then both looked at each other and smiled. They both knew what each other was feeling. There was no more need for words. Ash then continued their conversation. "I think I'm gonna take a break from battling for a while."

"Ehh? Are you serious?" Gou asked, surprised that a battle maniac like Ash would even want to take a break. "Yep! All this battling can get tiring too y'know?" Ash replied. "Besides, I wanna spend some time with my boyfriend and help him look for a certain pink Pokémon." He continued, winking at Gou which caused him to blush.

Gou was ecstatic. Was it because Ash was gonna help him look for Mew, or was it because Ash called him his boyfriend? Maybe both, but either way he was happy. "For now, I think we should get in bed." Ash said as he took Gou's hand and led him back to Cerise Laboratory. Whatever happens in the future, whether he does capture Mew or not, he was happy that Ash will be by his side.

A/N: Hello! This is my first try in writing a fic like this, so I'm sorry if it's bad ;-;... This is my current favorite Pokémon ship (they're so cute omg) and I might write more satogou fics if I feel like it lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this story! Thank you for reading~

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