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(Y/N) POV. (6 years old)

"Dad can you tell me about Deamos! Can you prity please!" I said excitedly. I looked at my dad with my big beautiful heterochromatic eyes. My dad had his horns out. I always ask him when he had them out. He sighs with a smile on his face.

"Alright my little princess. Come here little one." My dad, Armaros, said to me. I ran over to him and sit on his lap. He pulls me closer as I rest my head on his chest and smile up at him. He cleared his throat and started his story.

"The realm of Daemos is dark place. The palace that I lived in is filled with the greatest of warriors. My mother is the queen, Lady Grandma.-" my dad said but I cut him off.

"Wait! If she's your mom then why is she called Lady Grandma?" I ask out of confusion. My dad started to chuckle at me.

"Her parents were inventive in the name department. But I also have a big brother. But I don't like to talk about him. Can I continue my story or are going to continue to interrupt me?" My dad said in a teasing tone. I quickly closed my mouth tight and moved my hand in zipping motion over my lips.

"Alright, now my realm is also filled with magic. That is sadly powered by souls of past on humans. They are, in my realm, very powerful. But guess what my little princess?" My dad said. I tilted my head as one of my black hair pieces fall's into my obsidian black eye.

(Oh! I should explain that. My hair was manly brown, like my mom, but I had black pieces, from my dad, randomly placed in my hair. I have heterochromatic eyes. My left eye being brown and my right eye being obsidian black. I had tan skin like my dad. I also had a birth mark that looked like my dad's.

But I, sadly, don't have my horns. My dad counseled them when I was born. Also, I don't have my magic. Why? Well, my dad said I had to earn them over time. He stored them in a necklace that mom has.)

"What daddy?" I asked him curiously. He smiled at me, and our cat came in and jumped up into my lap. She was from Daemos like my dad. She's this pastel Galaxy color and her name is Maat.

She started to purr and rub herself on me

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She started to purr and rub herself on me. I laughed at her cuddly self. And cool thing is I know what she says to me. Like I can understand her meows like she's actually taking to me.

"You will change that. By being the next queen of Daemos." My dad said. I looked at him scared. I hug Maat closer to me.

"But how will I do that? What if I'm not ready to take the throne of Daemos when the time comes?" I speak. I'm smarter than I look. Taking a throne of a kingdom of magic scary. All that responsibility is big and frightening.

"You're a smart girl. You will be amazing. As you are the first born to that throne. You will be smarter than your cousins on Daemos. And you know how I know that?" He asked me. A thing my dad has is he can see parts and pieces of the future. Along with having fire magic.

"How?" I asked him. He smiled at me and stood up with me in his arms while Maat still in my arms. He took me to my room and laid me in my bed and tucked me in under my covers.

(Your room)

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(Your room)

"Because you're my daughter and your just as smart as my mother. When the time comes, you'll be able to prove all of Daemos they can survive without magic. No matter what." My dad smiled at me. When my dad put things like that, I could see what he meant. I smiled at him and yawned.

"Now it's time for my princess to go to sleep. I wish you magical dreams my baby girl. Sleep well." He said to me as he kissed my head. I smiled and closed my eyes. Maat snuggled into my arms and fell asleep.

"Night daddy. Love you." I said, but before I was fully asleep, I heard a klink sound. Like something was placed on my nightstand next to my bed. After that I was asleep. But unknown to me that was the last time I'd ever see my dad ever again.

(2 Year Time skip)
(Y/N) POV (8 years old)

It's been two years since my dad left. My mom hasn't been doing too well. Recently she got sick and gave me her (y/b/s) (your birth stone) necklace. I've been staying at my friend Ava's house until my mom gets better.

And that klink sound that happened that night my dad left. Well, it ended up being my dad's crown for his horn. I where it on my wrist since I don't have my horns yet.

I was sitting in the guest room, sitting on my bed, petting Maat. Then there was a knock on the door. Maat quickly hidden into my closet. No one know she exists because she's supposed to be a secret.

"Come in." I spoke. Andrew came in. He didn't look too happy like he usually is. I knew what this meant. I start to get teary eyed as he came into my room and sat next to me on my bed.

"She's gone isn't she." I spoke. All he could do was nod. He was afraid to say anything. After all him and Devon were best friends with mom. After all it was her that got them together in the first place.

Hell, it was after my mom had me that they both decided to adopted Ava. So, this was hard for them too.

I started to break down after that. Tears started to run down like waterfalls. Andrew hugged me as I buried my face into his chest. He started to cry s little too.

"Your mom last wish was to have us adopt you. But that's up to you sweety." He spoke. All I could do was hug him tightly and nod my head. If that's what my mom wanted, then so be it.

Then I heard the door open and close. I looked over and found a 7-year-old Ava by the door. She looked at me with a sad look on her face like she was sorry for what happened to my mom. I opened my arms to her with a sad smile on my face.

She ran up to me and Andrew, got on the bed, and started hugging me and her dad. Soon after Devon came in and saw the hug pile that was happening and joined in. It felt nice to have them in my life. That night I had the best sleep in my life.

That morning I woke up Ava was the only one there snuggled up to me. I turned over and looked at my mom's necklace and grabbed it. I held it in my hand and rubbed the (y/b/s) that was on it with my thumb. After I did that, it turned into a choker with a chain holding the gem on it.

I smiled. Of course, my dad enchanted it so that it changes to the wearers liking. I clipped it onto my neck, and it glowed slightly. Then I had a glimpse of something that was surprising to me.

There were five Daemos males standing in the entrance to some apartment. One in green, one in orange, one in light blue, one in dark blue. But the last one caught my eye. He had white bull horns with a crown on his horn like my dad's. The light blue one was holding Ava up in the air and covering her mouth to stop her screaming.

After that everything went back to normal. I knew right then and there that this wasn't the last time I'd see these boys. But that's for the future. 😉

(Omg 1371 words for the first chapter! It took forever to write but hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you all in the next chapter. Bye my little wolf pups. Till next time.

Angel Lycan out!)

(Edited some things! See you guys later)

(On Hold) The Rightful Heir to The Deamos Throne (My Inner Demons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now