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     While Eda taught Amity how to be courageous, King is trying to find a way to distract Luz. It was about time Luz was getting out of school, so King waited outside Hexside for 10 minutes. "Hey King, whatcha doin here"? Luz asked King. "Well, I just wanted to hang out for a bit". King responded. "Well, ok. What do you want to do"? Luz asked. "Well I was thinking we could go to the library and then pull some pranks with those cool teens". Said King. "You mean Emira and Edric, They said they were to busy to hang out this weekend, I asked". Responded Luz. "Uuuuhhhh..." King thought in his mind "Oh shoot, how do I distract Luz now". King got it "Luz, A Carton Of Milk"! King shouted. "AAAHHH, Where"!? Luz freaked out and ran off into the woods. "Well that went well". King said to himself, until he realized something, "Wait, Luz is headed towards the Owl House, I gotta stop her". King said aloud as he ran into the woods.

At The Owl House

     "Kid, you ready for your first test"? Eda asked Amity. "Ready as I'll ever be" Amity responded. "Great, let's get started" Eda said enthusiastically. Eda started making a magic circle which then created an illusion of Luz. "So Amity, what did you wanna tell me"? said Illusion Luz. Amity was frozen in fear, she tried saying "I like you Luz", but the words wouldn't come out. Suddenly, Luz crashed through the door and yelled "Get The Milk Away"! Luz then noticed the illusion Luz and was really confused.

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