"No, not the pancake kind. Waffle," Yuri said, moving her hand to intertwine their fingers. "Don't ask why, just go with it."

"What the f-" Monika started.

"Hush, he's coming," Yuri said.

"Hey Yuri," a teenage boy, near Yuri's age, said. He was arm in arm with a girl much shorter than he with long blonde hair and blue eyes. "This is my girlfriend. She's a foreign exchange student."

"Hey, Satoru," Yuri answered, straightening her back and squeezing Natsuki's hand. "This is my girlfriend Natsuki."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yuri's ex-boyfriend. My name is Ogawa Satoru," Satoru said, shaking Natsuki's free hand.

"Ah, yes. Satoru told me all about you. He said you had planned to get married and everything!" the blonde girl gushed with a thick American accent. Other than her accent, her Japanese was quite flawless.

"I never wanted to get married to him," Yuri said sweetly. Only Natsuki caught on to the bitterness of her tone. "Just because he wanted to marry me doesn't mean the feeling was mutual."

Satoru cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Well, it was nice catching up with you," Satoru said. He then walked in between Natsuki and Yuri, leaning close to Yuri's ear. His whisper was so quiet that only Yuri and Natsuki could hear him. "You're going to die alone. She won't stay with you."

He thrust himself between the two girls, yanking their hands apart. "Bye, ladies," the blonde said, sashaying away with Satoru.

Natsuki glanced at Yuri, who was taking deep breaths. Each breath hitched as Yuri squeezed her eyes shut.

"You should just kill yourself," Satoru yelled. "All you do is whine! You're going to die alone if you keep acting like a bitch!"

"I said I'm not in the mood for sex, Satoru!" Yuri yelled back.

Satoru grabbed Yuri's shoulders and threw her against the wall. He grabbed her hair and pulled it roughly. "You're useless, then." He left, and a sobbing Yuri shrunk to the floor, tears sticking her purple hair to her pale face.

She wanted out. She wanted to break up with him. But if she did, he'd kill her. She didn't know what to do.

"Yuri?" Natsuki's voice broke Yuri from her past. "Are you okay?"

Yuri turned to face the pink haired girl. Her eyes shined with tears that threatened to fall. "Yes," she said, her voice faltering. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Natsuki asked, throwing herself in Yuri's arms and hugging her waist tightly.

"I am now," Yuri said, wrapping her arms around Natsuki. "This feels familiar. Maybe in another life, we knew each other."


"Well, what a wonderful moment, but we better get to shopping," Monika said, squeezing between Natsuki and Yuri. "Let's go."

"Y-Yeah," Yuri agreed, sneaking one last glance at the shorter girl. "Let's pay and go home."

The cart made a gentle rattling sound as Monika maneuvered it. Natsuki walked beside Yuri, occasionally glancing at their hands. Their fingers ever so slightly brushed against each other.

"Our friendship is never gonna end, right?" Yuri asked.

"Of course it'll never end. We're gonna be together forever," Natsuki said, taking Yuri's hand.


"Promise. Now you have to promise, too!"

"I promise!"

"Natsuki, it's time for dinner!" Papa said from their house. "Let Yuri go home."

"Should I walk you?" Natsuki asked.

"I live next door. I'll be okay," Yuri said, hugging Natsuki tightly. "See you tomorrow."

"Why are you just standing there?" Monika asked, roughly grabbing Natsuki's forearm and shoving her into the back seat.

Yuri was approaching the designated place to leave their cart. Monika checked to make sure Yuri wasn't watching before turning back to Natsuki.

"Don't you dare do that with my Yuri ever again, bitch. You're nobody, remember?" Monika snarled.

"What makes you think you're any better than me?" Natsuki fought.

"I'm better than you in every way. I hope you trip over a knife," Monika growled, backhanding Natsuki. She then sat down in the passenger seat as if nothing had happened.

Natsuki glanced over at where Yuri was. She was talking to a boy their age. He reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. Natsuki watched as a warm blush spread over Yuri's cheeks.

She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she watched as Yuri handed the boy her phone and he typed something on it.

They shook hands and Yuri turned to the direction of the car. Yuri hopped into the seat, her cheeks still flushed. "Let's go home!"

New magic trick! It's a little secret on wattpad that nobody knows about. nobody. NOBODY. if you click the star it turns orange ;) leave it orange :)))))


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