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After the wish from Dorothy the city and everybody was restored the way it was.

And they just appeared in a field of grass and they saw the city going back to normal.

"Hmm, this life is stranger then my last one" the Gump says.

Just then they saw Mombi appear in a cage.

"It's a beautiful sight" jack says looking at the city and it lights.

Just then it hit them.

"Wait, wheres dan?" Verago asks looking for him.

"And Tik Tok? Where's Tik Tok?" Dorothy asks looking for him.

"We never found them" scarecrow says.

"Oh, no" jack says.

Billina clucks "where did you get that?" Billina asks "there's a medal on your antler"

"Oh, it must've come from the ornament collection" the Gump says eating grass.

"And where did you get that?" Jack asks.

"What?" Verago asks.

"There's a bracelet on your wrist" jack says pointing to it.

Verago gasps as he saw it "I didn't know it was there"

"Their green Dorothy" scarecrow says.

She then touched them both and said it.

"Oz" they then appeared.

"Oh, Dorothy. My thinking must have completely run down. I do not remember leaving the nome kindom" tik tok says.

"Your back" Dan and Verago said and hugged each other.

And Dorothy hugged tik tok.

"Everything is alright now" Dorothy says.

They then went to the emerald city and they had a big Celebration of the heroes that saved Oz.

They walked through the parade and Dorothy was riding their friend the lion and Dan was riding Verago and all their friends walked with them as the people cheered for them and Mombi was in a cage as they walked it.

They then came to the throne and they wanted Dorothy to be queen of Oz and Dan to be king and the scarecrow agreed.

Dorothy then waves her hand and they stop and listen to them.

"You're the best friends anyone could ever have" Dan says.

"But we have to go back" Dorothy says.

The crowd groans sadly.

"We understand" jack says.

"Do you?" Dorothy says and cries "I wish I could be at 2 places at the same time" a tear then hit the slippers and they glowed.

"Look, behind you in the mirror" Billina says.

They turn around and it was a girl and they walked closer to her and it was her.

They turn around and it was a girl and they walked closer to her and it was her

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"It's you" they both said and she smiles.

"I was afraid you'd drowned" Dorothy says.

"And your the girl that showed up at my window and then disappeared" Dan says.

"Help me step through the glass you 2" she says.

They then put their hands on the glass and it went right through it and pulled her out.

"Your so beautiful, what's your name?" Dorothy asks.

"Ozma" she says.

"Mom" she looks at jack "she's back" he faints and the people catch him.

"She is Ozma, the queen and rightful ruler of Oz" a woman says and the crowd look at the women "her father was king of Oz before the Wizard came"

They join the women and listened.

"Ozma grew up as Mombi's slave" the second woman said "but when the nome king promised Mombi 30 beautiful heads if she kept Ozma a secret....." Mombi smiles at that thought "she enchanted her into the mirror"

"I forgive Mombi" Ozma says "Dan and Dorothy have punished her by removing her magical powers.....and witch without magic is a miserable creature indeed"

"And that's a fact" Mombi says.

Dorothy then gave Ozma the ruby slippers.

"Now please wish me back to Kansas" Dorothy says.

"On one condition, I will look in on you from time to time and if you ever wish to return to Oz, I will make it so" Ozma says.

"Goodbye Dorothy" Billina says.

"Your not coming back Billina?" Dorothy asks.

"No, not to that stupid humdrum world again" Billina says.

Ozma then clicks the heels 3 times and Dorothy started to fade away and saying goodbye to all her friends and then she was gone.

"Look after her Ozma ok, she made need some looking after" Dan says.

"I can do that and you are always welcomed here too" Ozma says.

"Thank you" Dan says "ready to go?"

"Yeah" Verago says.

Dan then opens a portal and they said goodbye and walked through the portal.

Dan then opens a portal and they said goodbye and walked through the portal

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Dan and Verago then appear back home.

And Dorothy was found by Toto and her uncle Henry and the people.

And she got to go home and lived a happy life in Kansas and never had a bad night again and was back to her normal self again as well.

And they would both get visits from Ozma from time to time like she said. And they would visit Oz too and see their friends.
The end

====================================================The end

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