Chapter 8- An Ally

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Alex limped down the hallway, the faint tinkling of broken glass echoing as she walked. She'd managed to drag herself back to the station without too much trouble and she had the virus, so the trip hadn't been a complete loss. Although running from those spiders had been a chore, especially the ones in the access tunnel below the kennel. Annette had better pray that Alex never got a hold of her.

She stumbled, grimacing slightly at the pain that rushed up her leg. She had to try and get to the S.T.A.R.S. office, she knew for a fact that there was a med kit there. Hopefully Jill had left the station and taken her little friend from Europe with her. The leg hurt like hell and even if the wound wasn't life threatening, the smell of blood would draw every zombie in the city down on her like a pack of rabid dogs. Not a really pretty thought.

Alex gently eased the door open and scanned the lobby. It appeared to be empty and the entrance doors were still in one piece.

"I hope that means Jill left, cause there is no way I can handle Nemesis right now."

Ales limped across the lobby, heading for the western doors. Jill had headed this way earlier, with any luck she'd killed any zombies that might have been running around. Alex was just reaching for the door handle when a soft scraping noise caught her attention. She pulled the berretta, turning in the direction of the noise. Her right hand hovered over the magnum, just in case whatever was making the noises was bigger than a zombie. There was another scraping sound and a tall dark haired man in a R.P.D. uniform came down the ramp. Alex drew a bead on the man's head as he stopped a few feet away from her.

"I'm not a zombie." He held up his hands, with what looked to be a 45 auto dangling from one of his fingers.

"I didn't think you were." Alex said coldly, not bothering to lower the weapon. "Who are you?"

"Kevin Ryman, I'm with the R.P.D."

"Oh gee, I never would have figured that one out all on my own." Her voice was heavy with sarcasm. "How did you manage to survive the last stand on Main?"

"I wasn't on duty." His voice had turned colder at this point. "Who, may I ask, are you?"

"Alexandra Wesker."

Her response elicited the reaction she was expecting. First surprise then scorn passed over Kevin's face. Finally his eyes narrowed.

"So you're the sister of the ex-S.T.A.R.S. Captain. Should have known, what with the sunglasses." He looked her over for a moment, then rested his gaze back on her face. "I've heard of you, figured you'd be older though."

"I get that a lot."

"Do you know you're bleeding?" The first hints of concern entered his voice.

"Getting shot will do that to you." Alex finally lowered the gun.

Hold a gun the way she was for too long and your arm would start shaking, which certainly wouldn't look impressive to young Mr. Ryman. Of Course Kevin looked more pissed than impressed at the moment, not that she cared much at this point. So, doing a repeat of her earlier conversation with Jill, she turned back to the door and grabbed the handle.

"It's true, isn't it?"

"What the hell do you think? I mean hello, there are zombies running around outside." She shook her head, the guy couldn't be that stupid. "So yea, it's a pretty safe bet that the S.T.A.R.S. members were telling the truth."

"About your brother as well?"

"My brother is none of your concern."

"I'll take that as a yes." He said, crossing his arms. "So, judging from the tank top, you work for Umbrella too?"

"Look Mr. R.P.D. officer, I don't have time to play question and answer with you right now."

There was a soft click from behind her, the unmistakable sound of a firearm being cocked. Alex turned around slowly, to find herself staring at Kevin's 45. The weapon was an automatic so it obviously didn't need to be cocked to fire, that had been a warning. Kevin smiled.

"Make time."

"Fine, I work for Umbrella. Can I go now?"

"Only if I can escort you." He said, lowering the weapon.

"Why in the hell do you want to help me? Or the better question would be, why the hell would I need your help?"

"Well, I am probably the last surviving R.P.D. officer in the city and it wouldn't look good to just leave you stranded without trying to help." Kevin glanced down at the small puddle of blood forming around Alex's shoe. "Not to mention you're going to have a hard time fending off zombies with a wound like that."

As much as Alex hated to admit it, he had a point. She rubbed at the bridge of her nose, maybe she could lose him somewhere out in the city later.

"Fine, but I need to head to the S.T.A.R.S. office for a med pack."

"Well, why not just use the one under the reception desk." Kevin hooked a thumb over his shoulder. "Not quit so far to walk...or in your case limp."

Kevin smiled again, and walked back up the ramp. One shot and she could take him out. Not only would she not have to worry about him following her around, but she could have is gun and ammo too. Her left hand fluttered over the berretta. It could be quick and clean, probably save him a messy death later on from a zombie or some other monster.

She sighed, moving her hand away from the gun. Alex was a cool calculating bitch at times, but she did have a sense of honor. She couldn't shoot a man in the back. Besides, she had a deep respect for cops, especially after having worked at the R.P.D. for two years.

She'd let Kevin tag along, she'd let him help her. But, she still had a job to do. The virus had to be delivered to Umbrella, along with the notes. She was loyal, and unlike her brother honor and loyalty meant something to her. She had given her word, and she would not break it.

"Hey, you coming or what?" Kevin yelled, waving a first aide box over his head.

"Me and my fucking morals." She whispered under her breath, and trudged up the ramp.

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