Chapter 2 - The Incident

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July 25, 1998

Alex leaned against the kitchen counter, watching the coffee machine perk with bleary eyes. She yawned, idly pushing a S.T.A.R.S. coffee cup back and forth. The clock on the microwave read 5:49 a.m. The sun had barley risen and she was already up and ready for a day at work. She didn't need to be up this early of course, is was her day off. The only explanation was that she was used to getting up early and Birkin's sleep habits, or complete lack of sleep, was rubbing off on her.

"Finally." She mumbled, reaching for the pot. "Damn thing is slower than molasses in January."

Suddenly the phone rang. Alex snapped her head around, taking several seconds to recognize just what the sound was. Three thoughts ran through her head as she grabbed for the phone on the counter. Two; Their was some kind of outbreak at the labs. Three; There was an outbreak and something had escaped. But her number one concern was Birkin. As head of security, not to mention the personal bodyguard of William Birkin, she would be the first informed should there have been an incident.


"Alexandra Wesker?"

The voice was unfamiliar. She knew everyone that worked in those labs and this wasn't an employee.


"This is detective Martin's at the R.P.D. There's been an incident..."

"What kind of incident?"

"If you could come down to the station, we could..."

"Listen here buddy." Alex's voice was clipped and tinged with anger. "You tell me what the hell is going on."

"Miss Wesker, we don't like to give out this kind of information on the phone. As I said, if you could please..."


Alex hit the end button and tossed the phone on the counter. She didn't bother to notice that it slide into her coffee cup, or that both hit the floor with a crash. Instead she stalked through the living room, snagging her glasses and keys before storming out the door.

It normally took her twenty minutes to get to the R.P.D., on this morning it took her a flat five. She abandoned the car in front of the R.P.D., with the right front tire sitting on the sidewalk. As soon as she stepped into the lobby, she headed directly up past the fountain to the Reception Desk. A young woman with straight black hair was typing on a computer when Alex cleared her throat.

"Excuse me..."

"You'll have to wait."

Alex narrowed her eyes at the woman's snotty tone. She was already upset and worried. When she got like this, she had the tendency to get very easily pissed off. However, she was trying to control her anger. So instead of pulling her gun, which she hadn't realized till now she'd even grabbed, she took a deep breath and cleared her throat again.

"Miss, I received a..."

The woman sighed heavily, but never took her eyes from the computer.

"I'm sorry but you'll just have to wait, some of us have work to do you know." The Receptionist flicked her fingers back toward the front doors. "Just have a seat Missy and wait like a good little girl."

For a moment, Alex was completely stunned. However, surprise turned to anger, fueling the anger already present from the worry over Albert. Finally Alex smiled.


The woman grunted in reply as Alex carefully scrutinized the desk. After a full minute Alex found what she was looking for. She reached down and yanked the CPU's power cord.

Memories of Yesterdayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن