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Author's Note: Wow! Thanks for 321 reads! I never expected to get this far! I'm still camping so I haven't been able to write very much. Sadly this has dragged the rankings down by 30 places. We were so close to being in the top 100 in harmione. Let's work hard to get this fanfic back up.


Thursday September 1 12:30 am (Hermione POV)

HARRY,RON,DRACO AND I were all hanging out in a compartment together on the Hogwarts Express. I laughed as Harry ate three vomit flavored Bertie Botts jelly beans. Mid laugh I began to feel like all of the happiness around me was starting to vanish. After a few seconds I stopped laughing completely because I was feeling extremely sad. I glumly lokked around the compartment and noticed that everyone also seemed really sad. What is happening!? I thought to myself panicking. I couldn't think straight and the world seemed to get darker. Around 30 seconds later 3 cloaked,floating figures glided silently through the compartment door. I started shaking violently as I realized what they were... Dementors. They were creatures of pure sorrow. What are they doing here? I thought as I fearfully watched their every move. They slowly glided towards us, their ripped black cloaks floating silently behind them. As one of them approached me I began to feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest, like I was going to die soon. I barely had any will to live left when I heard someone scream "Expecto Patronum!" . The dementors flew swiftly away as a patronus flew into the compartment. Standing in the doorway with his wand raised was Moony aka Remus Lupin,our DADA teacher. I gave him a weak smile before looking at everyone else in the compartment. Everyone looked scared but otherwise unharmed...everyone except for Harry. Harry was on the ground, limp. I rushed over to his side and felt his pulse. I sighed in relief as he wasn't dead. I gave him a kiss on the forehead as I said "Harry, wake up. It's ok, Moony took care of the dementors." . After a few seconds he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. He got up and sat back down on a seat while saying "I-I'm fine, really don't worry about me." . I knew that he was lying but didn't push for answers because he obviously didn't want to talk about it. After about 30 seconds of silence Harry said "Thank you Uncle Moony, can you teach me that spell sometime?" With a nod he walked away, back to the teacher's compartment. For the rest of the trip everyone stayed silent, thinking about what had happened.

Wednesday January 15 5:00 pm (Hermione POV)

The dementors had been placed as guards around the school because the minister of magic said it was "to protect the students" . Over the last few months they had attacked the students so many times that they were in more danger from the dementors than the "mass murderer" Sirius Black. Moony had told me and Harry at the start of the year that Sirius was innocent and was actually Harry's godfather. Moony also taught Harry and I how to use the patronus charm.

Monday may 25 2:00 pm (Hermione POV)

Me and Harry ran from the dementors as fast as we could. Moony and Padfoot were with us. Somehow Moony was controlling his werewolf form. There were at least 500 dementors chasing us. They were all after Padfoot but that didn't matter, we would all stick together to the very end. As we were running I tripped on a root and the dementors caught up to me. I struggled to get up as they were sucking my soul out. I was almost gone before I heard 3 people scream "EXPECTO PATRONUM!". All the dementors flew away and I saw Harry, Moony and Padfoot standing with their wands our, gasping for breath. Harry let out a happy sigh and embraced me in a warm hug before we walked back to Hogwarts with Pettigrew in a cage.

Friday June 25 12:00 pm (Hermione POV)

Padfoot was set free last week. He didn't have anywhere to go so I offered for him to stay with Harry and I. He gladly accepted. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind having him live with us, we have plenty of room after all. As the Hogwarts Express pulled out of hogsmead station I got my last look at the castle for this year.

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