Tom II wiped away his last tears from his puffy eyes with the sleeves of his jumper as he stared at the old headmaster. "Holy shit, POTTER GET OFF OF ME! YOU KNOW I AM SKINNY AND YOUR FAT ARSE WILL BREAK ME IN HALF!" Tobias pushed James II off of him as the pair of boys moved out of the shadow. The Order members looked at them in confusion, they clearly resembled James Potter and Severus Snape.

"Oh, so we're safe now?" Rose moved out of her spot, followed by Albus II and Scorpius. Delphi and her cat, Missy came out of the shadows afterwards, followed by Hugo and Lily II. Sirius stared at Regulus II and Delphi, the looked just like his brother and his insane cousin...

"How on earth did you all get here?" Molly let them into the kitchen as the newcomers took their seats. Arthur extended the table and conjured new chairs for everyone else as they sat around the table. Every newcomer in the room all took the time to glare right at the James Potter-lookalike.

James II sighed, feeling their eyes on him. "Okay, I'll start... so yesterday night, I found a time turner and I wanted to loosen Tom up a bit because he was new and he was a little awkward. No offence," James II started. Tom II shrugged and nodded, letting James II continue his explanation.

"So when our parents let Tom be in charge because they left to do their normal jobs, I kind of threw the time turner to the ground while screaming that we were going on an adventure..." James II awkwardly rubbed the nape of his neck while the other children glared at him.

"In conclusion, James sucks, BTS rules, and I'm hungry," Delphi concludes, stroking Missy's fur.

"Nice cat! What's its name?" a young Hermione asked, looking at the grey cat.

"Her name is Missy, short for Missile Launcher," Delphi introduced, placing the cat on Hermione's lap for her to play with.

"Bloody hell..." Ron mumbled, looking at the cat.

"It shoots missiles from out of its mouth!" Scorpius exclaimed excitedly.

"You look like Draco Malfoy," Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Nah, some people say I look like Scorpius," the blond shrugged.

"Who's Scorpius?" Harry asked.

"Me, bitch," Scorpius replied.

"POTTER!" Tobias yelled as he looked down at his lap (which was now covered with orange juice). "Why do your arms move around like NOODLES?!" James II yelled back, throwing an orange juice carton at the other boy's head.

"Boys, stop fighting-" Remus tried to stop the pair from fighting but it was no use, Tobias already launched himself at James, pulling at his hair. Even with all the people trying to stop them from fighting, Tom II hid behind his seat. He was frightened, absolutely frightened.

"STOP IT!" Tom II yelled, his scream echoing across the room. Suddenly, light surrounded the fighting boys and lifted them up from their seats. They all stared at Tom II in shock as his eyes glowed and his hand was raised in the direction of Tobias and James. The two boys dropped to the ground and Tobias looked down at his shirt.

"Is this a joke?!" Tobias yelled. They were both in a large shirt together which had the words Get Along written on it. James II laughed at the shirt, looking down at the writing while Tobias rolled his eyes. "Dude, you just did accidental magic!" Lily II looked back at Tom II (who was blushing and acting sheepish).

Isn't It Confusing? | HP | NEXT GEN TIME-TRAVEL AU ✔On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara