You walk out down the stairs and sneak towards, Max sees you as you shush her and walk inside

Y/N: Crap his lapton has a passwors should of saw that coming this guy has a hard on for surveillance and keeping shit private

After like five minutes you find a receipt in his car the day he meant Joyce and enter it in

Y/N: That easy huh... guess he's not the expert he thought he was... what this "Rachel has been cutting class all week?? Frank and Rachel meet once again" the hell, wait it says he followed her to the light house weirdo just like Eliot...

You scroll down the page

Y/N: Now Kate "Kate M follows same path to every class" Yeah that's what everybody does you numb skull... wait wait what its says "Overheard Kate and Dana W taking about supplies for the Vortex Club party, Drugs? Tried to talk to Kate about Vortex Club party, she got upset and ran, guilty"

Y/N: I think this guy is an control freak, like what the actual fuck he comes up with the most chaotic theories that aren't even plausible he's supposed to be a security guard but he doesn't even have faith in the system, he acts like he's a vigilante buts more like a neighborhood watch...

You scroll down more and see Max's school ID and her class schedule

Y/N: Woah this is overboard, like what a creep man... I gotta tell Chloe and Maximus about this, they probably won't be happy though

You walk out through the other door, till someone walks past

Y/N: Hello Mrs. Price

Joyce: Oh my goodness, is there a sumber party going up there

Y/N: Actually I was gonna drop off Max at Blackwell dorms

Joyce: We'll I made breakfast please come sit down and have some...

Y/N: Sure thank you

You sit down at the table as Joyce brings you a plate as You starting eat and finish your food satisfied

Max: Man that was good... hey question so did the three of you used to thrash out all the time them

Y/N: Rachel used to hang out at Chloes place all the time, months following I'd drive her home her there and back after she stayed the night... it was that or the dorms we weren't on really good terms with our parents after they kept something from us

Max: Were her and Chloe a pair

Y/N: Yeah I guess you could say that, me and Chloe were pretty decent friends before Rachel came along but those two just connected on a whole other level and they left me more or less on the back burner, so I left Arcadia Bay looking for some answers

Max: Did you find them

Y/N: Yes and no... Chloe talked about you a couple of times Max

Max: We'll it's good to know I still haf a place in her heart even though I ditched her the time she need me most

Y/N: Don't sweat it Maximus I kept her company

Max: So did Chloe ever go through a boy faze at all

Y/N: Oh yes she did... it was more or less an off or on thing she dated my x friend a couple of times nothing serious came from it

Max: What about you, did you and Chloe ever ya know

Y/N: Uh we dated like twice if your asking yes, that was before she meant Rachel though, did we hook up well that's top secret, we made out a couple of times but something just didn't work out in the end I guess and that was that

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max CaulfieldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora