You Know Her? | Chpt 14

Start from the beginning

"Uh, for Aizawa?" I said. He pressed up his glasses, turning sharply to face the classroom.

"Aizawa-sensei, there is a student here to see you," he said, heading back to his seat. I peeked into the classroom to see all eyes were on me, my face turning slightly red. I wished my bangs were further over my eyes.

"Uh, Recovery Girl sent this for you," I said, holding out the basket. I wandered in the classroom to place it up at the front desk. I glanced at the class, my eyes heading to Kaminari. He smiled and waved at me. I just raised my hand slightly to return it, causing people to look at him now.

"Thank you," my father said, nodding to me. He glanced to my backpack, realizing I still had a good 15 minutes that I was supposed to kill here. He eyed me for a moment before I just nodded slightly. He clearly wanted to introduce me, but was wary that I wouldn't want to. "Class, this is (y/n). She's my daughter."

I gave a weak wave. At this point, it was going to happen eventually. At least I was getting it over with now. I glanced around at everyone staring at me, meeting eyes with a boy. He had the messiest green hair, and he seemed almost ghastly at receiving the news. That must be...Deku. The boy who had let me in stood up suddenly, causing me to flinch away slightly.

"Hello! It's an honor to meet you," he said. I heard a slight snicker. This was quite literally the worst way this could go. Why was he so formal?

"Me...too?" I said.

"You can have these last few minutes," my father said. He gestured for me to head to his desk with him. "Could you help me with my bag?"

"Uh, yeah of course," I replied. Of course everyone was weirded out with me being here. I started to pack his bag for him, eyeing the class who was obviously talking about me. Maybe this wasn't a great decision, seeing as they would probably either be judging me for my lack of hero course status or would try and use me to get on my dad's good side. At least they knew. I could still hang around Kaminari and them, couldn't I? Did I even want to? Should I?

"You know Kaminari?" I glanced up at my dad. It was literally impossible to read his expression, considering his face was completely covered. I couldn't tell if he was mad, but he probably was.

"Uh yeah, I met him like once through Mina," I said, shrugging. My stomach felt sick because of the lie I had just told. I never liked to lie to him.

"Hmm," he hummed, slightly disgruntled by the information he had just obtained. I zipped up his bag and he busied himself with something at the corner. I watched him before turning to look at the class. They were all staring already, some not bothering to look away when I caught them, but others quickly averting their gazes.


"(Y/n) is it?" I glanced over at a nice looking girl, her hair in a huge ponytail. It was jet black and she looked really clean. She was ridiculously pretty.

"Uh, yes," I replied, pressing my lips together awkwardly.

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu," she said, offering up a hand to shake. I took it, shaking it lightly before retrieving my hand.

"Nice to meet you," I said. Another girl glanced up from behind her. She had short purple hair and jacks that ran down from her ears. She was pretty too, but she looked more bored than Yaoyorozu. Her eyebrow was raised at me.

"Kyoka Jirou," she said, once my stare at her had run on too long. She was the one that Kaminari had mentioned, as well as Yaoyorozu. He had gotten caught with them at USJ.


"Ayo (y/n)!" I felt a hard arm over my shoulders again. I glanced over at Kaminari, who seemed to be relishing in the fact he knew me already. He must feel...special. I couldn't help but feel kind of offended by it, knowing he was fawning over the benefit of knowing me. Like the people who wanted to suck up to my dad did. I shoved him off, which caused Jirou to snicker slightly at him. I was hyper aware of my father's stare at the back of my head, which had cause me to shove a little harder than I should've.

"Hands off Kaminari," I warned, playing it off as a deflection of his flirting. I took the gesture as flirting of course.

"How do you two know each other?" Yaoyorozu asked. Before I could answer, Kaminari had blurted out some dumb, cheesy shit.

"I stole her book by accident and of course it was love at first sight." I felt my face burn.

"I don't think you thieving is all that," I scoffed.

"You hurt me," he said, playing it up and I just looked back at the girls. I noticed the green haired boy staring and I tilted my head to get a better view of him, staring back. The girls turned and stepped aside when they realized he wanted to speak too.

"Hi," I started. I watched him blink a few times before registering what I had said.

"Midoriya? Uh Izuku Midoriya. No people call me Deku, yeah," he spluttered.

"Cat got your tongue Deku?" Kaminari teased and I shot him a glare.

"I had no idea Aizawa had a daughter," he muttered.

"Most people don't," I replied.

"Well how come you're not in the hero course then, huh?" I glanced over to where Bakugo stood. Kirishima gave me an awkward 'I'm sorry' look, as if it were his job to stop Bakugo.

"I don't have his quirk," I said.

"Quirkless? Really? What's with the uniform?" He pestered. I furrowed my brow, trying my best to be as intimidating as my father.

"I've got my mom's healing quirk."

"He's married?" Deku asked.

"Uh well—"

"Not to her mother," my father called breaking up the small circle that was forming. "I'm sure you'll all have time to talk to (y/n) at some point, but the bell is about to ring. Gather your things." They all scattered and I wondered exactly how he was so intimidating. It just wasn't the most plentiful skill I had.

"Nice to meet you (y/n)," Yaoyorozu commented before returning to her desk. There were still a myriad of people I had to meet, which would probably happen some time soon. The variability of it was not something I liked to think about. The bell rang and I picked up my father's bag, putting it around my shoulder, on top of my backpack strap and grabbed the basket from Recovery Girl. When they had all disappeared, my father turned to me.

"You've met him one time?" He asked again and I nodded, confirming my lie.

"Yeah, he's pretty annoying," I replied, to which my father seemed pleased.

"Alright then, let's go home," he offered and I nodded, walking beside him and out class 1-A's door.


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