~~Chapter 17~~

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Meows of surprise rose from some of the warriors. Bluestar looked at Frostfur, who nodded her agreement. The other queens looked on silently.

Bluestar continued. "Her actions last night proved that she is brave and loyal. If she wishes it, we would welcome her as a full member of this Clan."

From her place at the edge of the crowd, Yellowfang looked up at the Clan leader and murmured, "I am honored, Bluestar, and I accept your offer."

"Good," meowed Bluestar, her voice firm as if the matter was now closed.

I purred with delight and nudged Firepaw. I was surprised to realize just how much Bluestar's public show of trust in Yellowfang meant to me.

Bluestar began to speak again. "Last night we successfully defended ourselves against ShadowClan, but they are still a great threat. The repair work we began this morning will continue. Our boundaries will be patrolled constantly. We must not assume that the war is over."

Tigerclaw stood up, his tail held high, and glared down at the assembled cats. "ShadowClan attacked while we were away from camp," he growled. "They chose their moment well. How did they know that the camp was so poorly defended? Do they have eyes inside our camp?"

I froze in horror as Tigerclaw fixed his cold stare on Ravenpaw. Some of the cats followed their new deputy's gaze and stared in puzzlement at the black apprentice. Ravenpaw looked at the ground and shifted his paws nervously.

Tigerclaw went on. "We still have a while before sunset. We must concentrate on rebuilding our camp. Meanwhile, if you suspect anything, or anyone, tell me. Be assured, anything you say will be in confidence." He nodded to dismiss the Clan, then turned and began murmuring to Bluestar.

The cats separated and began to move around the camp, assessing damage and forming work groups.

"Ravenpaw!" I called, still shocked by Tigerclaw's dark hint that his own apprentice had betrayed the Clan. But Ravenpaw had already bounded away. I could see him offering to help Halftail and Whitestorm, before rushing off to collect twigs so they could patch the holes in the boundary wall. Ravenpaw clearly didn't want to talk.

"Let's go and help him," suggested Graypaw. His voice was flat and exhausted, and his eyes were dull.

"You go. I'll be there in a moment," Firepaw answered. "First I want to check on Yellowfang, see if she's okay after her fight with Blackfoot."

"I'll come too," I mewed, excited to speak with Yellowfang

I looked for Yellowfang in her nest by the fallen tree. She was stretched out in the shadows, her eyes thoughtful.

"Firepaw, Moonpaw," she purred when she saw us. "I'm glad you have come."

"We wanted to check that you were all right," Firepaw mewed.

"Old habits stay longer than old scents, eh?" meowed Yellowfang with a flash of her old spirit.

"I suppose so," I confessed. "How are you feeling?"

"This old leg injury is playing up again, but I'll be fine," Yellowfang told us.

"How did you manage to fight Blackfoot off?" I asked, unable to keep the admiration out of my voice.

"Blackfoot's strong, but he's not a clever fighter. Fighting you was more of a challenge."

I looked for the flicker of humor in the old cat's eyes, but there was none.

She continued, "I've known him since he was a kit. He hasn't changed—a bully, but no brains."

Firepaw and I sat down beside her. "I'm not surprised Bluestar asked you to join the Clan," Firepaw purred. "You certainly showed your loyalty last night."

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