~~Chapter 3~~

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A/N 안넝하세요!!! Enjoy!!


The dream came again...

"You won't feel a thing... When..."

"When what..."

"When I..."



"Mama... Where are we going?"

"Where its safe..."

Red stone...



"Mama... When will I see Thistle again?"





"Mama... Where are we..."

"Our new home..."




"Mama...Will Birch get better?"


"Why... Isn't he moving?"


"Mama... Mama! MAMA!!"

"Whats wrong Lily?!" I hear my mom cry.

I jolt out of my bed and run outside and under a bush. Why is it here again? I hate it... I hate it so much...

"Lily! Whats wrong?!" My mom, River, yowls after me.

I creep from under the bush and groom my fur out of embarrassment. "Nothing Mom..."

I jumped up onto the fence and scan the forest floor. "Ill call you and Junebug when its time to go." I called as I got comfortable.

"Alright, Lily. Ill be inside." I watched as River went back into the Twoleg Den.

~*Time Skip*~

I called my mom and litter-mates that it was time to leave. As we got closer to Rusty's house, I saw all of our friends in his garden.

"Hey, Lily! Did ya catch anything in the woods last night?" Smudge greeted.

"You know it! I caught a mouse with Rusty." I exclaimed, proud of the catch.

"How did it taste?" Smudge meowed, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"Well... I didn't eat it... The wild cats said it was considered stealing their prey, so I gave it back as an apology." I meowed back.

~*Time Skip*~

"Lily. Its sunhigh." Rusty called to me from on top of the fence post.

"Alright!" I called over my shoulder. "Dont worry Mama. Ill visit soon." And with that, we left. 

Rusty and I didn't go the same way though. We traveled on foot to the clearing and when we got through the bushes, I started remembering more about last night.

Rusty came out of the bushes after me and started looking around.

I searched for a scent separating old from new and could smell a familiar cat in the bush. I faced that way, trying to remember the scent.

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