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Chase glances at Harley before looking back at the man. "What do you mean, you're our father?"

"Yes, he's our father," Bree says, pointing to Davenport.

"No. That's what he's been telling you!" Douglas exclaims as he grabs a remote from one of the consoles.

"Well, I don't know who you are, but you're going down!" Adam says.

The three bionics charge toward the other three, but Douglas points the remote at Adam, Bree, and Chase. He presses a button and they were teleported into the cage with Davenport.

"You master shot range teleportation before I did?! I've been working on that for years!" Davenport whines.

"I know. I'm awesome." Douglas smirks while shrugging.

"No, you're not. I'm awesome!" Davenport argues.

"I'm awesome!" Douglas yells back.

"Awesome!" Davenport points at himself before turning away.

The three bionics that was in the cage looked over at Harley. "I've been dealing with this all day." She complains.

Adam glares at Douglas. "You're still going down!" He went forward to charge at him but stops. "My super strength. It's gone."

Bree tried using her super speed, but nothing happened. "So is my speed."

Chase places two fingers on his temple. "I've got nothing."

"That's because I designed these lasers to block the signals from your bionic chips. Only Harley can manipulate through them." Douglas laughs. "That's right. Daddy gave you toys, but can also take them away."

Marcus steps forward. "Yeah, and here, you're not superhuman. You're just a bunch of pathetic kids."

Harley shoves Marcus. "Hey, too far."

"Yeah, sad clown," Douglas says. "This is my moment. Save it for the stage."


As Davenport and Douglas had their brother spat, Harley kept glancing over at Chase who would not meet her eye.

"Well, Marcus, I finally captured them. Me, me, me, me."

"You got one of those too, huh?" Chase asks Marcus.

"You have no idea."

"Come on." Douglas snaps his fingers as he walks towards the door. "We got work to do."


"Mr. Davenport? Why did that guy say that he was our father?" Chase asks.

"Because, technically, he is your father," Davenport says. "And my brother."

"How is that even possible?" Chase asks.

"Wait, so does this means that Chase is also my father?" Adam asks.

Bree smacks Adam upside the head.

"Years ago." Davenport begins. "Douglas and I started Davenport Industries together. It was great! We had a cute little lab, you know? Not as good as a big lab, we have now, but then we didn't have so much money –"

"Get to the point," Bree tells him.

"We developed bionics so that robots could do the jobs that were too dangerous for people, but then Douglas went behind my back and planted them into genetically engineered humans."

"You mean us?" Adam asks.

"No, Adam," Bree says. "The Green Bay Packers."

"Your bionic chips were never designed to be interfaced with the human nervous system." Davenport continues.

The Traitor || Chase DavenportTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang