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Harley sat on the cyber desk, watching her boyfriend cackle as he set up a prank for Adam. All week, Adam has been humiliating Chase, so he had enough and decided to try and get him back. She looks at Bree who was sitting and reading a magazine.

"Okay, what's with all the happy, squeaky hamster noises? Did you finally grow chest hair?" Bree asks, making a pout face. Harley chuckles under her breath.

"No!" Chase exclaims. "I grew two." He puts up two fingers. "Actually, this is a little something I like to call 'Adam's Payback'."

"For what?" Bree asks confused, looking over at Harley who shrugs.

"Don't you remember what happened last Thursday?" Chase asks.

The two girls laugh as they remembered what had happened. "Oh, yeah. We all love the bionic brother toss!" Bree exclaims.

"Hey, I tried to stop him. Not my fault Adam didn't listen." Harley says, receiving a playful glare from Chase.

"Yeah? Well, let's see how he likes this!" Chase says, and Leo and Adam enter the lab. Leo walked forward to the trap before stepping over.

"Trap," Leo says, making his way to Harley.

Adam stops one foot in the rope circle. "What trap?" The rope closes, lifting him up in the air upside down. Leo and Harley made their way over, Bree stares in amazement, and Chase runs over.

"Yes! It worked! Now let's see how you like being relentlessly manhandled." Chase tells his brother, and everyone gives him a funny look. "That came out wrong."

"Oh, the trap was on the floor." Adam realizes.

"Yep, and now we're gonna play a game called human pinata. But instead of candy, we're gonna guess what Adam had for lunch." Chase explains.

"Ironically, I'm guessing it's candy," Leo tells the two girls, who nod in agreement.

"You're forgetting one thing, Chase. I can use my heat vision to break free." Adam says. He uses his heat vision to sever the rope, and he hits the cyber desk and falls down. Once he got up, his arm was hanging over his head. Everyone stared at him in shock.

"Ha! Nice try!" He exclaims to Chase.

"Oh Adam," Bree points to his hand as she got up from her seat.

"Whoa, I never knew my arm could bend like that." He says.

"Um, it can't," Harley speaks, and Adam begins to scream.


Leo faints.


"You're lucky it's just a dislocation," Davenport says while everyone sat around the cyber desk. "How many times have I told you guys not to goof around?"

"Brace yourself, because this will probably shatter your world, but they don't listen to a word you say," Bree tells him.

Davenport sighs and went over to Chase. "I know this was a freak accident, but he could have seriously gotten hurt. What if he hit his head?"

"Uh, it would have popped open and sprayed confetti everywhere," Chase says, and Harley smacks his arm.

"Aww, that would be awesome!" Adam exclaims.

"You know what I mean," Davenport says, walking over to one of the panels. Chase got up and followed, and so did Adam.

"But Mr. Davenport, I wasn't trying to hurt him," Chase says. "I was trying to get even. Adam's always punching me and throwing me around."

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