SR - the foundation

Start from the beginning

"that's... that's great." sunmi leans back. "but how does this concern me?"

seulgi smirks. "that's what the proposal is all about." she slides down the couch and bends on one knee.

"seulgi, careful! you're injured!" sunmi was about to help her up, but seulgi stops her.

"let me do my proposal right, okay?"

sunmi chuckles. "gosh. aren't you cheesy?"

"i don't care." seulgi clears her throat and reaches out to hold sunmi's hands. "lee sunmi, the one who gave me this whole idea, the one who lit up a purpose in my life, will you do the honour of leading this foundation with me?"

"y-you're not serious, are you?"

"two-hundred per cent serious, my lady."

"gosh. seulgi. it's really an honour. but i don't think i'm fitted for this. don't get me wrong, i would love to do this but i--"

"we'll work on this together," says seulgi assuringly. "i'll be the face of this foundation so we can gather more donors. but i need help to run this here. and there's no other person i think will be more fitted to do it but you."

sunmi stares at her, speechless.

"once the initial budget has been finalised, we'll start the construction of the main office here. we'll look for staff who can work as our back-office personnel--of course, you and they will get paid for it. then we'll look for a bigger property that we can either rent or buy that will serve as the new home for those rescued animals," explains seulgi. "it's a win-win situation; we provide employment and we save the animals. and once we're smoothly running in this area, we'll also start chapters in other towns. everything has already been planned. the only thing that's missing is you saying yes to this."

sunmi tilts her head and smiles at seulgi. "you're an amazing person. has anyone told you that?"

seulgi feels something inside her twists after hearing those words.

it's the same line joohyun told her before.

'you're an amazing person. has anyone told you that?'

seulgi rubs her eyes to shake the feeling off.

"so, are you going to say yes or not?" she asks sunmi. "my legs are about to give out now."

sunmi chuckles and helps seulgi get up. "of course, it's a yes! it'll be my pleasure!"

seulgi raises a hand in victory. "she said yes!"


she stares at sunmi's phone number on her screen before turning to the door and stepping out to the hallway.

"i'll call you, okay? if you're free later today, we can visit the temporary shelter so you can see the animals there."

sunmi scrunches her face. "mm. maybe it's better if we do it tomorrow? i have a patient that i need to home-service before dinner."

seulgi raises an eyebrow. "are you sure it's a patient and not just some guy you're flirting with?"

"she's a fifty-five-year-old woman who survived a mild stroke. okay?"

seulgi laughs. "fine. besides, i need to tell joohyun about this so she'd know what i'm up to."

"i see. still possessive, eh?"

"shut up."

sunmi chuckles. "anyway, i need to get ready." she reaches out to kiss seulgi's cheek. "thank you." she kissed the other cheek. "thank you."

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