"Lauren! Ugh, get off!"

"You were fucking incredible Jakers! Did you hear them when you finished? They were like 'more, more, more!'" Lauren cackled.

I just laughed at my wasted best friend as she drained the pitcher we were sharing.

"Lauren, I need to go home really soon. I'm working tomorrow."

"On a Sunday?!" Lauren looked horrified.

"Yes, I need the money!"

"Fair enough, we'll get off then."

"Not immediately! We can have one more drink!"

"We'll crack open a bottle of something at yours then." Lauren winked. "Come on Maestro, let's go!"

We made our way steadily to the exit, fighting our way through all the people. Lauren grabbed my hand tight, something she always did so she wouldn't lose me.

The last DJ finished and noise erupted again, followed by more pushing and shoving as people filtered the bar. Lauren's grip on my hand tightened.

I had a bit of a delayed reaction to what happened next. I heard it, but it didn't register. Just as we broke from the crowd near the door, Lauren stopped walking and slowly turned me, a look of shock on her face that slowly turned into a grin.

"Jakob, Jakob, Jakob, Jakob..."

It was getting louder. They were punctuating each chant of my name with a clap. I looked back at the crowd, then to Lauren. She gave me a shove and pointed back to the booth.

"You heard the people!"


"They want you Jakers!"

I looked around, not knowing what to do. I caught the eye of the man from before. He was looking right at me, grinning. He stuck his thumb up and nodded.

What the hell.

I went back into the booth, adrenaline and alcohol cursing through me. The cheer that went up when the lights came on almost raised the roof. I laughed as I saw Lauren wrestle her way through, right into the middle of everyone.

I let rip


Me and Lauren stumbled through the streets, walking back to my house, laughing. Our arms around each other. Lauren wouldn't shut up saying how amazing the night had been. I just kept laughing at her, the fact that I was in work in about six hours somewhere in the back of my mind.


Still laughing, I turned around, spinning Lauren with me. At the same time we both shut up. A second's silence, then Lauren shouted. "I thought he told you to leave him the fucking hell alone?! Are you following us?!"

"I just-"

Lauren started marching towards Lacey and I gripped her arm.

"Lauren, don't."

"Jakob, I watched you tonight." She said desperately. She was glancing at Lauren, looking impressively scared. "I just wanted to say you were fantastic."

"Take the fucking hint. He doesn't want to know you." Lauren spat.

"I'm not talking to you!"


"Listen you bitch, I've been waiting a good couple of years to beat the living shit out of you. If I were you I'd get lost before I take the opportunity."

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now