Chapter 16

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"Let's sit there!" I pointed outside, at the window of people sitting on the track, "It looks like fun." Rushing down the stairs, I looked up at Ushijima who still stood silently a top the stairs, "Come onnn!"

"Coming." He rushed down the stairs, following slowly behind me. This kid.

"Ushijima," I turned around, "Normally you walk at the speed of a cheetah, what's going on?"

"You can't keep up."

I smiled, is he trying to be considerate? "Hmm, okay then," I walked behind him, placing both my hands on opposite sides of his shoulder, "I'll push you!"

He snickered, "You'll push me?"

"Is that funny to you?" His snickering quieted and he apologized under his breath.

"I was joking, silly!" Pushing him with all my strength I journeyed us to the food court. We'd need more than a single milk bun to full us up.

Making it to the food court I ordered four meat buns and with the unavailability of milk buns met back up with Ushijima who was surprisingly conversing with Tendou Sara.

"Oh hey," I struggled to smile, she just reminds me of yesterday, "What's happening?"

She laughed, leaning against the wall as she looked between the two of us, "Ushijima was standing so awkwardly, but now I see what he was waiting for."

I rushed to cover my saddening expression with a happier grin, "Ushijima is always standing awkwardly," I looked up at him, "Right?"

He watched me, longer than usual, before nodding in silence.

"So you guys are eating lunch together?" Tendou Sara sighed, "Ito and Akari are eating in the gym and I don't feel like eating there. Mind if I join?"

I don't want you to. "Mhm, sure, we're eating on the track."

"You can't, I need her alone right now."

"I—," My mouth gaped open before I glanced at a content Tendou Sara, she nodded profusely, somehow understandably. Ushijima pulled me away, and I waved apologetically. It'd understandable if Ushijima doesn't want to eat with her, but he's too blunt!

"What did you need me alone for?"


Nothing? But somehow that makes me happy.

I smiled as he dragged me along with his hands full of food.


"It's such a bright day," I held my hand out to hide the sun, sitting beside Ushijima as we watched the soccer team shoot balls into their nets.

"Here," He broke off a piece of bread, placing it in my palm, "It's good."

"Is it really?" I chewed along, it's sweeter than usual.

It's so weird. I glanced at Ushijima's side profile, didn't I just break up with Kuroo? Why am I so happy right now? I feel like I can forget it all. Yet..

He turned his head, meeting my gaze, "Yes?"

"Oh it's the sun!" I squinted and turned my head, pretending I hadn't stared at Ushijima for a grand ten seconds.

"The sun.." He looked up at the sky, back down at me and placed his hand on the side of my forehead.

I flustered up before I could respond, "Ah.. Thanks."

"(Y/n)," His tone was quiet, "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" I swiftly nodded, noting his hand had slipped off my head I quickly placed it back on, "I'm okay!"

"Really? You don't sound like it."

I don't.. my heart slightly pinched and my stomach felt like it would hurl. My vision faltered as it blurred, "I feel okay."

"What happened?" I felt him glance down to look at me, "Why'd you leave last night?"

"I.. because.." I swallowed my pride, he'll find out sooner or later, "Kuroo cheated. It's not like this hasn't happened before but it was really shocking. I just wanted to be alone."

"Do you want to be alone right now?"

"What?" I shook my head, laughing to myself, "Of course not. If I wanted to be alone I wouldn't be here."

"You were smiling all day, I don't think anyone noticed," He kept on in a soft tone, "That's not fair to yourself. You're allowed to be sad."

I tapped my foot against the concrete track, "But I'm okay."

His arm wrapped around my neck, burrowing my face into his warm chest, "I believe you."

The anger I'd been feeling all night subsided into a deep sadness I couldn't pinpoint. It's true I wanted to forget what happened, but sitting here I can't hold back how I feel. My vision blurred as I clutched to Ushijima's uniform, "Its not fair.." I sobbed, "I tried so hard this time. I really did.. I really gave it my all this time."

"I know," His hand met the back of my head, softly caressing.

I rubbed my head into his chest, "I wanted it to work so badly so I put my all in it. I really just wanted to be happy.. But now it hurts so much.. it feels like I'm losing everyone."

"I know, I know."

"But I really," I swallowed, "Don't want to give up."

His thumb rubbed against my neck, "Thank you so much," His grip around me tightened, almost like I was fading away, "Thank you."


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