Bonus Episode 8: A Special Box

Start from the beginning

"Tharn, can I borrow your shorts?" Type called out. 

"They're in my bag!" Tharn yelled back from the shower. 

Type searched through the bag and came across the wrapped gift. His vision went red at the note from P'San. He had forgotten all about the guy cozying up to Tharn in his Facebook picture, but now it all came roaring back. 

Before he knew what he was doing, Type had already ripped into the present and pulled out the drumstick holder personalized with Tharn's name. His hands fisted in anger around the offending object. In the back of his mind he realized most of his anger was at himself for not being by his boyfriend's side, for not giving him such a thoughtful gift, and for generally always disappointing Tharn in everything he did. 

He was burning with jealousy and rage. Why was his whole life sabotaging himself and messing up his relationships? He wanted to strike out at someone and Tharn as usual came at the wrong time. 

Type didn't even let him speak. "Nice gift," he said snarkily.

"Did you open it?" Tharn asked quietly. Part of him felt upset at Type violating his privacy, but there was a bigger part that was concerned about Type's angry expression. 

Type was so upset he came up with the lamest excuse in the history of excuses. "It was in the bag," he blurted out. What the fuck is wrong with me? That's the best I could do?  Why didn't I just say it was already open or it fell out of the bag? 

Tharn snorted, but decided to let that pass. He knew Type was jealous. 

"Since you've got such a good gift, you can throw mine away," Type continued. His words falling out his mouth before he had time to think. He didn't want to do this. Didn't want to ruin the mood and get them both upset, but it was like his mouth was faster than his brain sometimes. 

Tharn held one of Type's hands loosely. "Type, I love your gifts."

"Who gave it to you?" Type asked, even though he already knew. He sounded like a jealous wife even to himself, but nothing could stop the train wreck that was his mouth. 

Tharn smirked despite seeing Type's bad mood. "Are you jealous?" 

Type sputtered as he tried to deny his jealousy, but Tharn just backed him up until his back hit the shelves. "Don't worry, he's my brother's best friend. He's known me since I was 14 and he's just like a big brother" Tharn said. 

Before Type could answer, Tharn dipped his head and kissed his lover's pouty lips. Type's arms reached around his neck as his knees buckled when Tharn's tongue touched his. 

Tharn gave him drugging kisses. His tongue lazily stroked Type's as if they had all the time in the world. Their hardened cocks pressed tightly together and when Tharn ground against him Type pulled back as if waking up from a fog. 

"That message doesn't sound as if he's just your brother's friend," Type insisted as he held Tharn away with his hands on his shoulders. 

Tharn sighed in sexual frustration. "Remember when I told you about my first time?"

Type frowned. "Yeah. You said you didn't like it and parted ways with..." Type's eyes widened. "Don't tell me it was him?"

Tharn nodded sheepishly. "But he's just like a big brother now and he knows that I'm seeing someone."Tharn could feel that Type was somewhat appeased as his hands relaxed on his shoulder and Type didn't protest when he once again leaned in for a kiss. 

Type separated their lips with  a sucking sound.

Tharn groaned. "What now? I'm dying!" 

Type grinned knowingly. "I'm gross. Let me take a bath first." Type turned to go to the bathroom, but Tharn scooped him up in his arms bridal style. 

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