Episode 5: What am I to you?

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18+ ONLY! Read at your own risk!

Type sat on the floor trying to be as nonchalant as possible. He glanced behind him to make sure that the cans of sprite were as carelessly positioned as possible. I can't let him think I want to make up with him, Type thought. I just want to know why the hell he's giving me the silent treatment. Is it really because I didn't kiss him?

Finally, the door opened and Tharn casually strolled in without giving Type a second look. Type looked down at his phone as if he hadn't a care in the world even though he was fuming inside. Fucking asshole! Won't even look at me. It's not like I killed your puppy!

Type heard Tharn's exasperated sigh behind him and glanced at him as quickly as possible. His eyes quickly taking in the sight of Tharn putting the cans of sprite on the nightstand between their beds. 

As he leaned down to set them down, Type got a glimpse of his butt encased by his customary tight pair of black jeans. Subconsciously, his mouth watered. He gulped and quickly turned back around when Tharn's head snapped around to look at him. Type quickly looked back at his screen. 

"You really don't have to do this." Tharn said as he looked down at Type. Type's eyebrows furrowed into his normal grumpy expression. 

"I should be the one to say that. If you have a problem, just say what it is," Type snapped as he got up from the floor and gave up all pretense.

"I don't have anything to say, " came Tharn's cold reply. The way he avoided Type's gaze and his calm demeanor pissed Type off. How quickly he turns cold. Wasn't he saying he liked me just the other day?

"Tharn," Type warned as he held onto Tharn's arm to keep him from leaving. He was this close to losing his patience. 

"You should be happy I'm acting like this," Tharn said while looking beyond Type's shoulder as if he didn't exist. When his gaze met Type's again it was utterly devoid of emotion. "I'm going to go sleep at my friend's place."

Type held on more tightly. Desperate times...

"Type, that hurts..." Tharn's words were cut off as he felt Type's warm lips on his own. Tharn held his breath and closed his eyes. Out of all the kisses they had had, this was only the second kiss Type had initiated. 

Type raised his head and moved to leave but Tharn's hand stayed him as he buried his fingers in his soft hair. When Type met his eyes he held his breath at the look on Tharn's face. The previously cold eyes had become deep pools of emotion. It was bare for Type to see and he was both in love and afraid of it. Tharn looked at him as if asking for permission as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to his. 

Type held onto his waist as he deepened the kiss. Tharn's tongue swept in and ruled him. His kiss saying everything. God, I've missed him. Missed this, Tharn thought. He went to dive in for more, but Type pushed him back.

Type frowned at Tharn as he fought to catch his breath. His heart was pounding with fear and he didn't know why. He just knew they needed some distance. 

"There's your kiss. Isn't that what you wanted?" Type snapped. His brows furrowed even more as he saw Tharn's small smile. "I'm not making up with you so you can go wherever the hell you want." Type turned to leave again but he felt Tharn hugging him from behind. His hands rested on his abdomen and the sexy thumb ring glinted up at him. 

"It's not that I don't want to go. It's just that I can't live without you," Tharn softly said next to his ear. Despite himself Type couldn't help but smile. This man is going to be the death of me. Isn't he embarrassed of how cheesy he is?

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