“ Mild! Can't you put more emotions with your lines?! ” the director shout from a distance who's monitoring them on a small screen

“ I'm sorry P'! ” Mild shouted

“ I don't need your sorry, I need your emotions! If you'll just say your lines just like you're reading it then we could've just give the audience the script and they read it themselves! ”

Mild can just lower down her head and close her eyes because of how loud the director's voice is. Off wanted to laugh but he stops himself for doing so he knows what's the feeling when you didn't do wrong but then you just need to accept the anger that the director is giving to you.

“ what the fuck is his problem does his boyfriend break up with him why does he needs to let it out on me! ” Mild whisper to herself

“ You have a mic Mild! I can here you! ” Mild's eyes grew wider she forgot! Off can't contain his laugh why did she needs to talk back? girls really can't hide their emotions

After a few takes the director call for a break and Mild immediately run to their tent she doesn't want to bump in to the director for now, she's still afraid that the director will hit her.

“ that bitch! ” once they are almost far from the director Mild blurt that out and Off can just laugh at her. She's really not afraid to the director

“ what are you laughing at! ” Mild glared at him but he just sit on his chair and continue to laugh “ can't you stop? Or I'll hit you instead! ” Mild was about to throw something on him but he quickly cover himself with his arms as if that would help

“ sorry sorry, is just that you still manage to talk back and curse him even though he scolded you! ” Off wipes his tears that unconsciously come out because of how he hard he laughs

“ well he's the one that is being unreasonable! Just because his boyfriend break up with him he'll let out his anger at me! Tsk! Maybe that's why his boyfriend break up with him because of his foul mouth! ” Mild said as she sits on her chair she almost lost her balance because of how she carelessly sits and Off just laugh at her even more, seriously Mild makes herself more dumber than ever!

“ can't you stop! ” Mild throw a tissue roll to him

“ sorry sorry! And how did you know his boyfriend break up with him? ” Off said as he place back the tissue to its original place

“ well I have my connections especially if it's issue like that ” Mild looks like she was proud that she knows something worthless, in Off's perspective

“ if I we're you? I'll just improve my work so whenever he is angry he will not be mad at you because you did your job ”

“ easy for you to say because you've been in this industry for years ” Off's eyebrow automatically raise at what she said

“ I'm still learning tho, if you can't accept criticisms then just quit. In this industry you need to be strong there's a lot of people watching you and wanted you to fail. They'll do everything just to see you fail like making rumors and all ”

Mild's face suddenly softens on what he said maybe she learn something from him...

“ tsk! I'll just show that bitch what I'm capable of! ”

... Or maybe not

“ aow! Didn't you tell before that you'll quit? What happened to that? ” Mild suddenly ask him

“ why do you ask? ”

“ just curious, because I really thought you'll quit ”

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