Bonus Chapter

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A/N: If y'all don't already know, our maknae Huening Kai is finally turning into an adult! 🎉
Ahhhhhh I'm younger than him but I feel like a proud mom who's watching her child grow over the years ajajssjsj-
I decided to make a special chapter on behalf of our baby who will no longer be a baby by age but to MOA is still a baby because he is BABIE


"Alright everyone, gather around!"
Yuna yelled to everyone in the dance studio, turning down the volume of the music Chaeryeong was dancing to.
Everyone but Kai was there because he had to go to an appointment, but it was the perfect time to come up with a plan. Everyone did as the youngest of their friend group asked, sitting in a circle in the middle of the practice room.

"This is very very important, got it?" Yuna asked.
"Just tell us what it is already!" Yeonjun exclaimed, earning giggles from everyone.

"Kai's birthday is tomorrow, so I wanted to have everyone give him a surprise birthday party when he comes here to the studio in the morning!" Yuna grinned, folding her hands together.

"Ooh, that would actually be really nice!" Taehyun grinned.
"Ah, I can just imagine the look of happiness on his face..." Beomgyu smiled with his eyes closed, squishing his own cheeks with his hands.
"You don't have to imagine it, it's the only expression he has." Ryujin laughed.
Yeji laughed as well.
"You rarely ever see him mad or upset..." she giggled.
"It's so cute that's it's almost scary." Jisu said, resting her head on Yeji's shoulder and holding her arm.
"So, how do we start? If we're all up for it, that is..." Chaeryeong asked.

Yuna smiled, but her face was full of scary features.
"You'd better be up for making him happy or I'll break your bones for making him depressed." Yuna said, her voice sweet but secretly laced with venom.

Everyone froze, blinking at her.
"Okay, surprise birthday party it is!" Soobin said loudly, getting up.

Everyone had been assigned a different task to help out with the surprise they were going to give to Kai.

Soobin and Yeonjun went out for party supplies, Ryujin, Chaeryeong and Yuna were making a cake with help of Yeonjun and Soobin's mothers at Soobin's house, and the other humans were decorating the practice room.

Taehyun and Beomgyu smiled as they put up multiple balloons on the ceiling.
"Hyung..." Taehyun looked over at Beomgyu.
"Do you think Kai will like what we did for his birthday... What we did to make it special?" Taehyun asked. Beomgyu smiled, holding his boyfriend's hand.
"I know he will love it. His close friends, and the best boyfriends he could ever have helped make this happen."

Suddenly, everyone in the practice room heard footsteps from outside, which they assumed to be Kai.
Yeji dashed outside, being greeted with Kai down the hallway.
"A-Ah, Kai!"
"Hey, I'm here!" Kai waved.
"The uh... The others left, actually, so I'm just cleaning up the place-!" Yeji started.
"Oh, I can help you then!!!" Kai smiled enthusiastically, trying to peek inside the practice room. Yeji shook her head, trying to block his view.
"No, it's fine! I'll finish up and you can come back tomorrow." Yeji began pushing Kai away, despite his protests.

"Bye, have a nice day, Ning Ning!!!"
Yeji got Kai all the way outside, closing the door and heading back to the others.

Kai was left outside, the young boy scratching his head as he turned around.

That's not like the others to leave before I'm here...  Did something happen, maybe...?

It was early morning the next day, and everyone had gotten things arranged and finished. The decorations were spot on, the party hats were on everyone, the needed utensils were laid out on a table, and the cake sat on a table with a banner over it that spelt out 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUENING KAI' in colourful letters. The lights were off, and Taehyun had the cake matches in his hand while the others were holding confetti poppers, Taehyun lighting up the one candle of the chocolate cake.

"Oh, he texted me that he'll be here soon..." Chaeryeong smiled.
"Ack, why am I nervous?" Taehyun asked.
"It'll be okay! He'll love it!" Jisu reassured him.
"Yeah! It'll be all good!" Soobin smiled.
"Oh, he's coming..." Ryujin whispered, everyone hearing footsteps from outside the room.

Kai pouted as he saw no lights on in the practice room, continuing his walk.
"Maybe I'm the first one here...? But Chae texted me..."
Kai opened the door to the practice room only to be shocked as confetti went around the room.

The others stood there with happy expressions, all of them singing happy birthday to him as he walked up to them with a few tears in his eyes. He clapped along with them as he walked forward, Ryujin putting a party hat on his head. Everyone finished up the song with yells of joy as he blew out the candle.

"Happy birthday Hueningggggggggg!!!" Yeonjun excalimed happily as he hugged the younger.
"Happy birthday, baby!" Beomgyu smiled, him and Taehyun hugged their boyfriend, Kai hugging back.
"Happy birthday, Ning Ning!" Taehyun smiled, ruffling the boy's hair.
Kai smiled at them, stars in his eyes.
"Awwwwww, our baby is all grown up now..." Soobin laughed.
"Whatever, hyung." Kai rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Thank you... All of you."

"Now let's eat and have some fun!" Yuna grinned, everyone hooting in agreement.

"What flavour is the cake?" Kai asked.
"Chocolate!" Chaeryeong said.
"Too bad it ain't mint chocolate..." Yeonjun said.
"Ew!!! Why mint choco? It tastes like toothpaste!!!" Taehyun cried.
"It's minty fresh and I LOVE IT!!!" Yeonjun shot back.
"Don't you love me though, hyung..." Soobin asked the lemon with a pout, his arms crossed.
"Of course I do!" Yeonjun laughed, hugging the taller. Kai laughed at their silliness.
"Okay, let's eat! I can't wait to dig into this cake!"

Kai was surprised from what had just happened, but he was definitely happy with the whole ordeal.

He could only think one thing in that moment.

That this was the best birthday surprise that he could ever ask for.


Happy birthday to our lovely maknae Kai Kamal Huening!
Let's hope he has a wonderful day!!!

Me, showering Kai with every last ounce of love in my entire being:
💓💖💕💞💗💝 ❤️💛🧡💚💙💜💜💜

Me, showering Kai with every last ounce of love in my entire being:💓💖💕💞💗💝 ❤️💛🧡💚💙💜💜💜

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