<~_Part One Stranded_~>

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(I imagine the reader in this but wear whatever you want haha)

(I imagine the reader in this but wear whatever you want haha)

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The hammering of loud metal hitting the earth jolts you up from the tree stump you had been leaning against by the creek.
As you whip your head around to determine the source of the noise, you drop your kung fu panda 2 sticker book on the wet ground.

"Shit!" you say as you crouch down, examining your sticker book, only to find the contents being completely ruined. "It took me forever to collect all those limited edition Kung Fu Panda 2 stickers! what the hell am I gonna do now?"

The crash of metal brings your grieving period to an end instantly and leaves you glancing around since you didn't notice any flashes in the sky, thinking it must've been lightning.

Suddenly over the hedge young Hayden Christensen appears, sauntering over to you. His very presence contradicts time and space since, last time you checked, Hayden didn't look like that anymore. Especially since he looked like he was wearing his outfit from Attack of The Clones.

"Hayden? Hayden Christensen?" you gasp, you look completely dumbfounded and gobsmacked, mouth hanging agape and your arms laying limply at your sides.

He looks back at you confused. "Hayden? My name is Anakin Skywalker, and who might you be?" he retorts. Anakin looks exactly like he did in the movie, but his very presence is so shocking to you. How is he here? Why is he here? Why is he talking to me? "Is that a lightsaber?" you vocalize your last question, having taken notice to the iconic lightsaber hilt resting on his waist.

He shifts awkwardly, growing impatient he says, "Um, that's not important, what's important is who you are and why the this hunk of junk freighter I got, jumped outta hyperspace and sent me here instead of coruscant."

Oh okay wow so if this is really Anakin Skywalker then... does that mean star wars is real? You grow dizzy and half fall half plop down on the ground taking time to get your bearings. "Holy shit... Holy shit Holy shit." you mutter as you lace your fingers through your hair.

You glance up at Anakin who looks half-worried half-annoyed. Then you just smile to yourself, ''Huh. I guess I'm just finally having a good dream!'' you proclaim loudly. ''Guess I'll just go along with it!'' You bring yourself up and walk over to him with a huge smile on your lips, ''I'm y/n! And right now you're on Earth! Where'd you say that freighter of yours was?'' you questioned.

Anakin crosses his arms, looking at you skeptically. ''Oh! Well you see, um.. the terrain and local wildlife of this planet can be very aggressive.'' you lied, ''so you'll probably need a local to help you navigate a way off of here!'' you finished. You knew how skilled of a pilot Anakin was so he probably didn't, no definitely didn't, need your help, nonetheless, you wanted an excuse to continue interacting with him since you loved star wars so much.

He sighed and looked a little more at ease ''Well information from a local would be much appreciated since, for some reason, I've lost contact with the Jedi temple and my scanners hadn't been able to identify this planet at all.'' You had a large goofy smile plastered on you face as you listened to his words. He stared back at you in bewilderment before turning around and leading you to the rusted old freighter in the nearby woods.

This dream experience was very entertaining to you, so you made a mental note to write everything you remembered about it in your notebook when you woke up.

When you reached the freighter, you gasped in awe at the real spacecraft. Despite its deteriorating state ,what with the metal rusted and the old coat of paint peeling, you were completely elated to get be in the presence of a real star wars ship. Mistaking your emotions for disgust Anakin hurriedly spewed out an explanation. ''I know my current ship isn't exactly ideal, but, you see, it was the most convenient one for me to uh, borrow, since I needed an escape from Dantooine because, well, I ran into an armada of pirates and my master Obi-Wan was back on Coruscant since I came by myself and I didn't know what to do and I just needed to get outta there.'' He rubbed the back of his neck at the end of his words. You noted his embarrassment and assumed it probably was related to the fact that he felt the need to flee, assuming his ego had been recently bruised due to this situation.

You just shrugged and continued walking forward as he opened the ship allowing both of you to enter. ''Now that makes sense to me but why'd you come here?'' you finally asked one of you biggest questions about this whole predicament. He looked annoyed as he started up the ship, ''It wasn't my intention to come here,'' his brows furrowed, ''I honestly have no idea how I came upon this planet. I programmed the hyperdrive for coruscant but instead, I ended up here... I don't even think I'm in the right galaxy, since I've never heard of or seen this planet before.'' You couldn't help but feel bad for him, he didn't have any idea where he was and he was starting to look scared. You decided to do everything you could to help him back home, exactly how you would do this was unknown, but you knew you had to anyway.

The ship lurched forward and as you were leaving the atmosphere, you pressed your hands and face up against the window, admiring the beautiful landscape of your home world.
''Have you never left Earth before?'' Anakin sounded annoyed. You looked over at him and quickly procured a lie, ''What?! I mean, of course, I have! It's just... it's just been.. a while.'' You glanced down at the controls of the ship.

"Well, you said you could help me," Anakin complained, the anger and nerves peeking through his stoic Jedi appearance. "now what?" He demanded. "Woah hold on there Ani!" you held out your hands out in front of you. He flinched at the nickname you used, "Let's just- just try retracing your steps. Do you at least remember what direction you came from?" You reasoned with him.

He seemed to calm down as he dropped his shoulders and looked up at you to nod. You sighed, "Okay, good let's start there." A silence settled over you two as Anakin pointed the ship in the direction he supposedly came from. You decided now would be a good time to sit down in the co-pilot's chair, not that he needed a copilot, it was more for your comfort.

You looked over at him with a goofy smile, still psyched over seeing him,
"So you're a Jedi, right? That's awesome, I've always wanted to be a Jedi, ever since I was a baby." He looked up at you with raised eyebrows and let out a small chuckle, "You, a Jedi? You know you have to a lifetime of training, be at least force-sensitive, and have some natural skills and abilities  to be a Jedi," He paused, "and by the looks of you and your planet we just came off of, you have none of those." He finished, clearly slightly annoyed with your lifelong fantasy.

"Now, now hold on Anakin! I happen to have YEARS of experience with a lightsaber-" -well not a real lightsaber. you thought Just the one mom bought for me at toys r us when I was seven, but it didn't feel that distinction was important enough to mention. "-and I can do quite a few tricks with one! Lemme show you, hand it over." You motioned for him to hand you his lightsaber, eager to wield the mighty weapon.

Anakin moved back a little and placed a hand protectively over his lightsaber "Absolutely not." He scoffed. "Ugh! Come on- please!!" you whined, "Just let me at least hold the hilt, I promise I won't-" But your plea was interrupted when you noticed the bewildered look on his face.

"What is that?" he pointed out into the vast space behind you. You whipped your head around, curious as to what could leave Anakin Skywalker so awestruck. But gasped loudly when you saw what the ship was approaching out the window. You recognized the familiar orangey-red from pictures released by NASA just last year. Anakin took notice of the look of horror plastered all over your face.

"bl-black hole." you breathed out in terror.

whaddaya think??
be honest please!

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