Amusement of Love | Part One | All Day Amusement

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Roni and a group of her couple friends headed to Shadow Oasis Amusement Park for a day filled with rides and fun games. She was always the millionth wheel in her friend group, but she was okay with it. At least that's what she told everyone. All the guys and girls she had dated weren't right for her. She could always feel something wasn't right between them. She was day dreaming while her best friend drove and her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by her besties boyfriend, "Earth to Veronica, we're here. You gonna get out of the car?" He teased.

Roni rolled her pretty sunshine eyes and scoffed, "Lucas, you don't have to be obnoxious about asking me. Yes, I'm getting out of the car." She brushed her auburn hair from her face and put it up in a messy bun, to cool her off. The cars AC was blasting and it was ungodly hot when she stepped out of it.

"You look like you're dying, Roni," one of her friends commented with concern.

"That's because I am, Trish. Can we just get inside the park so I can wipe off this pool of sweat I have perspiring from my body?"

"Roni, you don't have to crabby about it, sheesh. Let's go."

Roni sighed and followed, trying to ring out her shirt as she waddled to the ticket line, her legs chaffing as she walked. Why am I even here? I'm gonna be ignored the whole time anyway, just like every other time. She thought and crossed her arms. The woman took the cash she had handed her and gave her a ticket in exchange. She walked through the gate and her friends had already went their separate ways for rides and food. She sighed heading to one of her favorite rides, Grim's Passage. It was a rollercoaster that did three loopy loops in a row and there were skull and crossbones on the carts. 

She got in the long line and saw a sign that said 'Singles will be paired up' as she moved slowly. That's odd. They've never done that before. She took her phone out and when she looked up, she was next in line to get on the ride. She noticed almost all the carts were full except for one. It was in the middle, which is where she love to be the most on rides and there was a cute guy sitting on the far side of the car. "Ma'am, are you going to ride?" The ride attendant asked.

Roni pushed her auburn wisps from her face and nodded, "Yeah. Sorry," she shoved her phone in her back pocket and walked to where the guy led her. She sat next to the cute ash brown hair and he looked at her with a smile.

"Hi. Name's Matthew, but you can call me Matt," he grinned. His hazel eyes looked into her green ones and she blushed.

"Veronica, but my friends call me Roni," she blushed and held her hand out for him to shake. He took it and she felt electricity flow through her fingers. She pulled away as the ride started and she held the bar tight.

"You're not scared, are you?"

"No. This is my favorite ride. I wouldn't be scared of my favorite ride. Just anxious and excited." She grinned and braced herself as the coaster took it's first nose dive. She held in her scream, but when she heard Matt, she let hers out. 


The ride was over and Roni was laughing at something Matt had said as the ride came to a stop. "So, are you here alone?" He asked as they got off.

"Not really. My friends and their boyfriends left for their own rides and food, so I decided to come to this one. I was debating on even coming, since I'm usually ignored by them anyway." Roni confessed, clutching her phone wallet.

"Hey, my friends ditched me too. We can stick together...i--if you want..." Matt suggested as he scratched the back of his head.

Roni blushed, "Sure...I'd like that." A smile crossed her lips. "So, where to now? Ancient Plunge?"

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