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The idiotic drunk guy holding me down whispered into my ear as I started having an anxiety attack.

What do I do?!

I saw his hand reach for my skirt and I quickly shut my eyes only to feel the man's weight being lifted off of me.

When I opened my eyes again I saw the three men laying on the floor, passed out, and beside those idiots was another man...

A very familiar man...

He had dark, black hair and cloudy black eyes... Is he the guy from the hospital? No... This is Japan. There are tons of males with dark hair and dark eyes.

Along with his dark hair he also had a dark dress/cloak... Thing? As well as a scarf that covered half of his face.

"Thank you-" I tried to talk but the man cut me off by walking away. I ran up to him and started walking slightly behind him, trying my best to keep up.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled as he continued walking, but I refused to let him go. I had to repay him for his kindness.

"Please wait! How can I repay you?" I said, stopping. He sighed and also stopped walking, before digging into his pocket and pulling something out.

I flinched as he turned to me and spoke in a soft voice, "Heads or tails." He said plainly and I shrugged.

"Tails?" I said, and with that, he flipped the coin that was in his hand and caught it. When he removed his hand it landed on heads, meaning he had won whatever kind of bet this was.

"Just hearing your voice is enough payment for me." He said in his soft voice, before turning to walk away.

I quickly ran up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No, it's not... I don't know what you mean by that but if you'd like money or-" He interrupted me.

"See you soon, y/n." He said, not meeting my gaze before he vanished. Wow, he's fast...

How did he know my name?

I sighed and looked around, realizing that I had no idea where I was. I knew I was in the city, but I had no idea where I had come from or where my house was.

"Fuck, now I'm lost." I mumbled before continuing to look around.

"Go right." The man's soft voice rung in my ears and I had no choice but to listen.

I sighed and turned right, heading down an alleyway and popping out on the other side, right across from my apartment.

How did he...

You know what, nevermind.

At this point I didn't care that he knew where I lived, or that he knew my name, I was just glad that I was no longer lost and that I could flop down on my bed after a long day of work...

I entered my building and went up to the 7th floor, put the key in the door and unlocked it.

Time to relax.


???'S POV;

"Why did you flip a coin, Feitan?" Shalnark asked me as I made my way to the roof we were watching y/n on.

"She wanted to pay me back, I didn't want her to pay me back. We settle fights in the Troup by flipping a coin, is it that hard to understand?" I said, glaring at the blonde kid.

"I guess not! Who won?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Me." I said, jumping to another rooftop. "Let's go back."

"Sure thing... Did she remember us?" Shalnark asked, jumping over to me before looking at the ground, sadly.

I sighed and shook my head no. "Not yet. Hurry, the boss is waiting for our report."

"Right, let's go." Shalnark said, still looking sad as ever. He and y/n were close friends, of course not as close as me and y/n but still close.

Now that I think about it, he definitely wasn't as close to y/n as I was. I mean...

He wasn't dating her...


𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄 , feitan portorWhere stories live. Discover now