You look amazing babe! 

                                                                                                 If Stefan is stupid enough not to fall for                                                                                                                       you I will!


Love ya!

                                                                                                                                                        Main Hoe:

                                                                                                                                                    Love ya too! 

I hear a knock at the door. I scan my room for the last time and my eyes fall upon the gold-coloured necklace that Eva chose for me. I would get murdered by her if I don't wear it. I quickly grab it and make my way to the door.

I open it to see the smiling face of my date, a box of cake. Stefan's here too. 

Stefan's wearing a white dress shirt, with a black trench coat and a pair of black pants and shoes. Oof. When a guy wears formal clothing, they automatically get a hundred times hotter. Stefan here is holding the cake too. Oh my, he looks hotter with food. I mean doesn't everyone?

"Hey, Han!- he pauses and gapes at me - Y-you look beautiful." he awkwardly sways his feet, looking at the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, come in!" he flashes me his pearly whites and walks inside. Stef starts to hand me the box of cake "I brought cake! I didn't know which one to get, so I went with a classic vanilla," he gives me a half-smile. 

I go to take the cake when I realize I'm still holding my necklace. "Uh, Stef, you could just put it in the fridge I'll be back in a second," I briskly walk to my room trying to put on this necklace. 

"Hey, Han, you good in there?" Stefan's voice comes from down the hall. "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry just give me a minute," ugh this frikin clasp. I can't get it on. Who the hell makes these things?

Stefan comes to my room door and gives it a soft knock. I look up to see him leaning against the door with a smirk dancing on his lips. "Are you sure about that? If you needed help you could've just asked," he walks up behind and takes the necklace in his hands. 

Very gently, he puts it around my neck. I could feel his trembling breath against my neck. His hands are shaking. His cool hands graze my neck as he fastened the clasp. I get goosebumps up my arms. Stefan leans down near my ear and whispers "Done,"

I turn to face him and look into his eyes and utter, "Thank you," we stand looking at each other for what feels like forever, when I finally break the silence, "Okay, let's go set the table up, shall we?" I walk out of my room and make my way to the kitchen, Stef walking behind me. 

I'm no mind reader, but I know we're both thinking about the same thing.

Each other.


We clear away our dishes from dessert. "Ugh, the cake was so good. Stefan, I'm sorry man, you have a competitor," Stefan chuckles as he puts the plates in the sink.

"I now regret bringing that cake. You're literally a baker. Can't you just bake a cake?" I scowl at him. 

"Stefan. I thought you knew me. I am one of the laziest people alive. I like to bake, but it's so much work! You have to make the batter, bake the cake, wait for it to cool like twice! It's torture! I'd much rather have it ready for me to eat," I flash Stefan a toothy smile. 

He laughs and pulls a bottle out of his bag "Well if you're not full, I did bring wine. I got it when I last went to France," he shrugs.

"Fancy little Stefan, going to France and drinking red wine," I laugh. "I'm kidding. Let me find a corkscrew and wine glasses," Stefan sets the bottle on the table and comes up behind me. Just before he says something there's a rasp at the door.

I hit my head inside the cupboard. "Ouch, Stefan can you see who's at the door. Wonder who it could be, I wasn't expecting anyone" Stefan walks towards the front door and yells an okay.

I get up from the cupboard under the sink and start my way to the door.

"Hi, I just moved into the apartment next door. I wanted to invite and get to know my neighbours," a voice says from the hallway.

"Hey, Stef who is it?" I come to stand beside him, not believing who I see. 

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Stefan looks at me confused, then back to the person standing outside.

"I'm sorry am I missing something? What did you say your name was again?" Stef asks the person standing outside.

"Matthew, Matthew Novaq," 

Why, why does the universe hate me?


I don't know how, but now our twosome has miraculously become a threesome. I am currently sitting with Stefan and Matthew in my apartment, sipping expensive French wine.

"So Matthew, what is it that you do again?" Stefan said while taking a dainty sip of his wine. 

"Well, I'm in the marketing business. It's actually the reason I moved to Toronto. I got a job offer here, and well, here I am," Matthew finishes with a chuckle, glancing at me.

"Interesting. Anyhow, how do you know Han?" I choke on my wine. Oh my, the question. The one I really didn't want to answer.

"Uh, well, Stef, Matthew and I know each other from high school," I gulp down my wine, trying to avoid answering any more questions. 

"Anna and I were close," Matthew continues. I flinch at the sound of the nickname I haven't heard for years. 

That's it, I really don't want to do this. Sorry, Matt.

"Oh well, would you look at the time! It's almost midnight! I don't know about you guys but I don't get days off on Saturday!"I shoot up out of my seat, nervously chuckling "I'm tired. You just moved in as well Matthew, you're pretty tired too. I'll see you later Matthew!" I very stealthily (not) rush to the door and open it wide. 

Matthew gets up reluctantly and makes his way towards me, Stefan behind him. He shakes Stefan's hand. "Thank you, for the wine and I'll get back to you on the dinner-" I cut him off. "-Okay, cool I'll see you! Bye!" I shut the door and face Stefan nervously. 

"What in the world was that all about?" Stefan crosses his arms and gives me a pointed look. 

"Ugh, Stefan I promise I'll explain everything but just not right now. I really am tired, I swear to you, the next time we meet I'll tell you everything," I rub my head.

Stefan smiles and walks towards me, holding his coat and engulfs me in a hug and kisses me on the top of my head. "It's alright. I'll text you. I had fun. Oh yeah, by the way, if you ever need help with a necklace, you know who to call," he whispers in my ear huskily. 

He steps back, kisses me on the cheek, winks at me, then opens and walks out the door. I sigh as I close the door. 

What have I gotten myself into?

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