Wounds Reopened

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*The Hospital- 7 Years Ago*

I wake up for the second time on a small bed, in a brightly lit room. I groggily got up, my head aching.

A nurse walked in and gave me a sympathetic smile.

Sympathy reminded me of what happened.

I tried with every ounce of willpower I have, not to cry or break down. Sitting still in my hospital gown, on my hospital bed.

A person in a police uniform walked into the room. Oh, great.

I tried to act like I was asleep, to avoid any questions but of course, the man being a police officer saw I was awake.

"Um, excuse me, I am 'Detective Stilinski'," he held up his badge, "I'm sorry for your loss. I've been assigned to this case. We have the people in custody. " he looked at me with sad eyes, while still holding his professional demeanour.

I tried to say something, but couldn't muster the words to say. I simply looked at him with wide eyes.

The detective started to say something but someone came and knocked on the door. '"Hey Stiles, they're asking for you out here," a man with brown eyes, dark hair and a slightly uneven jawline said.

"Uh, I have to go for now Ms.Kowen. I'll be back after. Um, get some rest then," he nodded at me and walked after the brown-eyed boy.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling lined with excruciatingly bright fluorescent lights.

A lady walks in, (who I assumed is the doctor) with a smile on her face. "Ah! You're awake!" She walked over to me, with a clipboard in hand. "Well, everything looks good. You didn't sustain any major injuries," she said her eyes skimming the page.

"Great, so can I leave now?" I looked up at her expectantly. The lady peered at me from behind her clipboard, boring her eyes into mine.

Hesitantly, she laid down the clipboard and sat on the chair next to my bed. "Yes, we don't have reason to keep you here anymore but, we expect you back for a follow-up checkup," I nodded knowing fully well, that I will not be showing my face in this hospital again.

"Right, I'll get a nurse to get your discharge papers in order. In the meanwhile, I'll get Mr.Stilinkski in here so he could continue. Yes?" I nod as she walks out of my room and the detective walks in with an awkward smile.

"Hello, again Ms.Kowen. I think we were talking about the accident?" Mr.Stilinski sat down on the chair next to my bed.

I roll my eyes "Well obviously we're going to talk about the accident. It's not like you're here to give me a present are you?" I mumbled to myself, obviously not quietly enough cause he smirked.

"Yeah, I guess not. Anyways, we have the people in custody. Would you like to know their names?" he looked into my eyes.

Now is when I had a good look at Detective Stilinksi. He had small moles on his small face. His hair was brown and sticking up in all different places. His eyes were brown, almost caramel. The detective man was very pretty.

"I won't know them anyway, so what's the point. What the heck, just tell me. I'm jacked up on meds anyway, so I won't react that much," I slump back onto the white pillow, waiting for him to speak.

"Ok, then. Their names are Matthew Novaq and Kenda Desomeraux. They also had another person present uh, Joanna Maine,"

"O-okay, you're joking right?" I darted forward in panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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