Unexpected Vistors

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Itona frowned, and placed the wet rug over her forehead as (name) coughed a few times.

"Horibe-san, you should get going before i don't want you to late because of me." She said to him Itona shooked his head, and told her she needed him here as well.

"I promise, I'll be fine."

"If i go then whos going to take care of you." Itona told her he got up then walked down stairs, and came back a few moments later with porridge,water, and medicine.

"It's not as good as your cooking, but i guess it'll do." (name) sat up, and then coughed a few more times she took the food, and started eating it when she finished Itona handed her the cold medicine.

"Thanks for everything, Horibe-san."

"Itona." (name) looked at me confused, and he said it again.

"You still call me by my last name."

"Oh, r-right sorry Itona." Itona took the now empty blow, and glass then headed to the kitchen.

"If you need me, I'll be down stairs." (name) watched as Itona left then smiled he might not had known it, but his secrety very carrying, and is always worried about others.

Hours later (name) was woken up by sudden shouts, and loud foot steps she grunted then sat up, and followed the noises from down stairs.

She walked towards the living area seeing her classmates being loud, and weird as ever they turned towards her, and jumped to hug her.

"(name)!!" They yelled out she ducked avoiding their hugs Itona came out of the kitchen, and she had to cover her mouth to avoid laughing out loud.

Itona was in a pink ruffled aporn while holding a laddle, on the front of the it was a cute printed panda.

"Korosensei, had me wear it while i cooked." He said even though Itona had only been staying for a couple of days, (name) could tell by the tune of his voice that he was not amused.

"(name), we heard from Itona you were sick." Meahara said a look of concern on his face.

"How are you feeling?" Itona asked her (name) gave him a reasuring smile.

"I'm fine, the fevers all gone now." A sudden knock sounded out, (name) walked towards it then opened the door.

"Oh, hey. Gakushu, and other guys. What brings you here?" She asked the oranged haired male then he handed her a box of cake.

"You look like your already feeling better." Akari said, and other four nodded in agreement.

"I heard you got sick, so i came for a visit." Gakushu said to her (name) smiled she stepped aside letting them in, and lead them towards the leaving area once they got their her classmates, and the big 5 all glared at each other.

"You! What the hell do you think your doing here!?" Terasaka questioned then pointed at them, Ren put his hands on (name)'s shoulders a sly smile on his lips.

"What else? We heard that Gakushu's girlfriend had gotten a cold, and as her friends we came to visit." He said to them her classmates all turned to (name) surprised.

"(name) your dating Asano!?" They yelled out, but (name) shooked her head 'no'.

"No, I'm not." She said then walked towards the kitchen (name) took a plate then opened the box, and walked back to the living area.

"Yet..." Asano said under his breath he then walked up to her.

"Nice to see your feeling better." he went in for a hug, but  got dragged back by a hand he turned to the person, and sees Itona.

"No, your not allowed to go near her." He said to the orange haired male the  two glared each other down, (name) walked up to them then pushed both their heads apart.

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