"Jagi!" He heard Jihyo's voice from the phone as a smile crept up on his face.

"Hey Jiggly. What's up?" Y/N said as he walked away from the group.

"Wae? Am I not allowed to call my boyfriend?"

"Of course it's fine. So, what are you doing right now?"

"We're doing our recordings right now. We're gonna have a comeback next month! We're so excited!"

"Jinja? Well I'm excited for that too."

"How about you oppa?"

"Well, we're outside right now. We're in the middle of searching houses."

"Oh. Am I disturbing you right now?"

"Well....kind of. But I don't mind. Since we're just supervising right now."

"Yah oppa. Why are you slacking off on your job? Anyways, are you guys doing fine there?"

"We're doing good. The new members here are doing okay. The guys are pretty much relaxed now. Tho it's gonna take a lot for us to watch the news."

"Don't mind them oppa. They're not helping anyone. They don't even know the hard work you guys are doing."

"Thank you Jiggly."

"Oh you gotta hear about this. Momo-unnie just—"

"Man down! Man down!"

Y/N quickly took the phone away from his ear as he looked at the distance. He saw one of the soldiers carrying a wounded soldier.

"Captain. We can't see shit from here once they gain entry. We're gonna go with the Marines." Derek said on the radio.

"C'mon Sarge. I like it here. Can't we just stay over here?" Ken whined over the radio, as the other chuckled at him.

"Alright. Well, if I don't see you out there, you make sure that I don't see you again." Derek answered on the radio.

Y/N just chuckled at them as he put the phone back to his ear.

"Mianhe Jiggly. I gotta go now. Got some little problems over here. I'll call you later."

"Arasseo oppa. Be safe out there. Saranghae~"

"Nado saranghae."

Y/N ended the call and walked to where his team was. He then saw Derek walking out of a house.

"Where's Kian sir?" Lena asked him.

"I had him stayed up on the rooftop on overwatch. We still need someone guarding us while we're on the ground." Derek answered her.

"Alright, here's the plan. We'll split into two teams. Ghost, take Roach, Coffin and Z. Assist the Marines on the next block. Scarecrow, Flower and Shadow, on me. Let's go."

Y/N and his team went with the squads of Marines while Jackson's team walked at the next street where the other Marines are.

"Hey, you boys don't mind we roll with you?" Y/N asked one of the soldiers there as they walked over to the next house.

"Hey man. Any SF soldier is cool with us." The soldier answered, nodding his head.

"Wait a second. You're from the 141 right? Dude you guys are so badasses!" One of the soldier said to them.

"Hey check that chick out. Damn she so fine." One of the soldier snickered as they looked at Lena.

Lena quickly stopped and hit the soldier's knee using her gun. The soldier fell down as he clenched on his knees in pain.

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